VAST promotes the application of information technology in management and administration

The Ministry of Information and Communication has just announced the results of evaluating and ranking the level of information and technology application of state agencies in 2019. According to the rankings, VAST ranked 2nd in the group of government agencies, up 2 ranks compared t0 2018.

Ranking of the overall index of IT application levels of government agencies in 2019, statistics up to July 2020

In order to achieve those results, in recent years, VAST has made efforts to focus on promoting the development of IT application in all fields, (mostly paperless online activities, always ensuring information safety and network security). VAST always focus on building mechanisms, policies and regulations for IT application to serve scientific research and operating operations. VAST has issued a plan to apply IT in all activities of the Institute and establishing a Steering Committee to build e-Government.

Like previous years, the evaluation and ranking of the IT application level in 2019 was carried by the Department of Information Technology – Ministry of Information and Communications in 3 blocks of agencies and units, with 6 categories including: IT technical infrastructure; IT applications in agency activities, Website/portal; Providing online public services; Mechanisms, policies and regulations for IT application; Human resources for IT application. Each category is tested, scoring and the total score of the categories used to give the agency an overall rating. 

In order to meet the requirements of sustainable development of IT application at the Academy, in terms of IT technical infrastructure, VAST has developed the Network Center and Date Integration which is managed and operated by the Center for Informatics and Computing. Server system and oriented data storage system meet international standards; 100% of affiliated units have LAN network; rate of infrastructure to ensure information security reaches 70%. The Institute's IT infrastructure has also deployed the cloud computing model, currently using the service model of providing IaaS equipment infrastructure, also developed by the Center for Informatics and Computing based on open source.

Currently there are more than 2400 officials, civil servants, public servants and employees using the official email system of the Academy under the domain name @ * Document management software system operating operation (VAST-OFICE) has been applied for 100% of affiliated units. The VAST-OFICE system is used for sending and receiving e-document among units/among units and some outside agencies. Data sharing and work exchange level has also been more convenient, minimizing costs and administrative paperwork. Especially during the period of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Academy participated in or held online meetings with departments and agencies and online with units in the Academy, deployed working online from home to minimize the spread of disease. The Institute also deployed basic applications of human resource management, 100% financial accounting management, high-performance computing system, resource sharing system ...

The website of VAST is considered an indispensable tool in propagating, introducing activities and promoting the results of scientific and technological research of VAST closer to readers domestically and internationally. In the first 6 months of 2020, the number of visits has reached 2,736,471 times, reflecting the readers’ level of concern. The website meets the requirements of publishing and providing scientific and technological information by a specialized team; exploitation and editing activities are under the direct direction of VAST’s Leadership Board.

In the coming time, VAST aims to continue implementing practical solutions to promote IT application in the new stage: focus on building a roadmap and specific objectives for the development orientation of e-Government, digital government, information technology application; strengthening IT human resources to meet actual needs; having appropriate solutions, upgrade infrastructure to meet new requirements; completing the construction of specialized databases, the system to send and receive electronic documents and the mechanism for sharing data and information to users; promoting its role as the leading scientific research unit in the country, including IT.

Translated by Phuong Ha
Link to Vietnamese version

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