Two new plant species discovered from Bidoup - Nui Ba and Hon Ba

In the framework of the research cooperation program between the Institute of Tropical Biology of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and the Center for Tropical Biosphere Research of the University of Ryukyus, Japan, scientists have discovered and announced two new plant species belonging to the Rubiaceae family and the Clusiaceae family in Bidoup - Nui Ba National Park of Lam Dong province and Hon Ba Nature Reserve of Khanh Hoa province. The 2 new species include Lasianthus bidoupensis VSDang & Naiki and Calophyllum honbaense VS Dang, H. Toyama & Tagane.
Lasianthus bidoupensis V.S.Dang & Naiki
Lasianthus bidoupensis V.S. Dang & Naiki belongs to the Rubiaceae family and is described based on the V.S.Dang250 standard sample collected at 1,436 meters altitude in Bidoup - Nui Ba National Park, Lam Dong province. The name of the species is named after the place "bidoup", where the standard sample is collected.



Lasianthus bidoupensis V.S. Dang & Naiki is a wild plant, up to 3 meters high. It has larger leaves and bracts, longer petioles size 16‒24 × 6‒8,5 cm, stipules, calyx and corolla tubes. The group of flowers grow in axillary leaves, sessile, bearing 2-4 flowers in pink white or white, with oval deep-red mature fruits of 10-15mm long.


Identity characteristics Lasianthus bidoupensis V.S. Dang & Naiki


This new species is published in the journal Annales Botanici Fennici, No. 56, page 191–195, January 28, 2019 -

Calophyllum honbaense V.S. Dang, H. Toyama & Tagane
Calophyllum honbaense V.S.Dang, H.Toyama & Tagane belongs to the Clusiaceae family and is described based on the standard V269 sample collected at a height of 1,498 m of Hon Ba Nature Reserve, Khanh Hoa province. The name of the species is named after the place "Hon Ba" where the standard sample is collected.

Calophyllum honbaense V.S.Dang, H.Toyama & Tagane is characterized by wood trees, 6–14 m tall. Leaves: lamina coriaceous, ovate to lanceolate, 4–8 by 2–4 cm, apex rounded to shallowly retuse, base strongly cordate, margin entire, grayish olive above and fulvous below when dry. Bisexual scented, hermaphroditic flowers; petals 4, oblanceolate to broadly obovate; concave, apex rounded, pinkish white. Fruits: ovoid, 2.5–3 by 1.5–2 cm, acute at apex, grayish brown when mature.


Identity characteristics of Calophyllum honbaense V.S.Dang, H.Toyama & Tagane


The informationn of this new species was published in Taiwania specialized magazine, volume 64, No. 1, February 28, 2019 -


Translated by Tuyet Nhung
Link to Vietnamese version

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