Study on breeding production, preservation and development of Austriella corrugata in Quang Ninh province
Austriella corrugate and its living environment
In realization of the memorandum of understanding on promoting scientific and technological cooperation between Quang Ninh province and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, between 2015 and 2017, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the Quang Ninh provincial People"s Committee assigned the Institute of Marine Environment and Resources to chair and Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh to be the head of the scientific research and technological development “Study on Austriella corrugata production technology suitable for environmental conditions in Quang Ninh province”. The task consists of two components:
Component 1: "Study on the Reproductive Biological Characteristics of Austriella corrugata for preserving and developing Austriella corrugata in Quang Ninh province" with the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology’s assessment of content, approval, funding and acceptance.
Component 2: "Study on technology for producing breeding Austriella corrugate suitable for ecological environment in Quang Ninh province" with Quang Ninh province’s assessment of content, adoption, funding and acceptance.
After three years of research, with support and care from the management agencies and households involved in the research, the project has completed its objectives, content and products.
Research results of Component 1: Assessing the current status of Austriella corrugate resources in Quang Ninh (distribution density, biomass, current reserves, exploitation output); Developing a diagram on the distribution of Austriella corrugate resources in some coastal tidal areas of Quang Ninh province; Identify the causes affecting Austriella corrugate resources. Assessing the conservation status of Austriella corrugate resources in Quang Ninh; Identifying reproductive biological characteristics (gonadal morphology and development, gonadal growth index, reproductive season, sex structures in populations, first sexual gonadal growth size, reproductive strength, and stages of developmental of Austriella corrugate); Identifying Austriella corrugate’s typical living environment in coastal tidal areas in Quang Ninh province; Successfully implementing the model for monitoring Austriella corrugate resources, making a practical basis for proposing some measures to conserve and restore Austriella corrugate resources.
Component 1 was evaluated as excellent result by the testing council on December 26, 2017.
Research results of Component 2: Producing 1,362,000 level 1 breeding (1 - 3 mm), more than 56,000 level 2 Austriella corrugate breeding, sized 7 - 10 mm and 4,982 Austriella corrugate sized 26 - 34 mm. The technical process of producing Austriella corrugate breeding which suits ecological conditions of Quang Ninh province was assessed and issued at Decision 182 /QD-SNN & PTNT dated March 6, 2017 by the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. The process was registered as a useful solution by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam at Decision 43748/QD - SHTT dated June 30, 2017. The technical process of producing breeding Austriella corrugate and those for food in Quang Ninh province’s natural condition was assessed and issued by the Quang Ninh provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at Decision 689/QD-SNN&PTNT dated June 30, 2017.
Component 2 has been evaluated as excellent result by the testing council on October 13, 2017.
Austriella corrugate breeding level II and Austriella corrugate product after five months trial production
In addition, the component supported the training of 2 masters and 3 aquaculture engineers; published 4 articles in specialized scientific journals.
These are the initial findings of the study on Austriella corrugate. Scientists from the Institute of Marine Resources and Environment suggested that further research and completion of Austriella corrugate breeding and Austriella corrugate production is needed to make the production effective, expanded and developed. Meanwhile, it is necessary to carry out detailed planning and regional planning on preservation and production of Austriella corrugate in Quang Ninh province, in order to protect and develop Austriella corrugate resources and ensure biodiversity.
Translated by Phuong Huyen
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