National Aeronautics and Space Administration visits Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

On December 10th 2012, a delegation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led by its director Charles F. Bolden Jr., paid a working visit to the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Prof. Chau Van Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, VAST president, and representatives from the Department of International Cooperation and other units under VAST received the delegation.

The working visit aimed to review cooperation results over the past time as well as promote cooperation between the two agencies in the field of aeronautics and space in the future. This cooperation activity followed the signing of a joint communiqué about cooperation in civil aeronautics and space in December 2011, and the visit to NASA in August 2012 made by a VAST delegation led by VAST president, Prof. Chau Van Minh.

Prof. Chau Van Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, VAST president at the reception

Charles F. Bolden Jr., NASA director, made a speech at the reception

At the working session, the two sides discussed potential cooperation fields in space technology science, bringing cooperation between the two agencies to a new level. After the reception, NASA director visited two units under VAST, including the National Satellite Center and the Institute of Geophysics.

To strengthen the understanding of Vietnamese young scientists as well as care of Vietnamese young people for space technology, on the same day, NASA director, Charles F. Bolden Jr. held an exchange with Vietnamese scientific staff and students from space technology faculties of universities. Participants raised questions about NASA and US space technology, cooperation relations between VAST and NASA in the future, space technology training and other relevant issues. He hoped to further promote space technology cooperation between Vietnam and the US, especially the application of satellite technology to observe natural resources, environment and natural disasters.

The NASA director’s working visit opened opportunities for Vietnamese scientists to cooperate, study and share experience, contributing to strengthen cooperation, marking a new development step on science and space technology cooperation between Vietnam and the US in general, and between NASA and VAST.

Brief on cooperation between VAST and NASA

* First visit to NASA by VAST delegation led by VAST vice president Duong Ngoc Hai in April 2009.
* During the visit to VAST by NASA vice-director Michael O’Brien on December 5th 2011, VAST and NASA signed a joint declaration about cooperation plans in civil aviation with contents:
Researching cooperation on the application of earth science for social benefit;

  • Exchanging data from earth observation satellites;

  • Developing human resources in remote sensing and application;

  • Strengthening the implementation of a project studying cloud and climate interaction in Southeast Asia (SEA4RS), studying the interaction of atmosphere pollution in Southeast Asia (7-SEAS) and studying monsoons in Asia (MAIRS);

  • Building “A-Train” programme;

  • Defining position for the Space Geodesic System and the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS);

  • Participating in training, such as the programme on international scientific research on environment;

  • Studying space climate;

* The visit to NASA by VAST led by its president Chau Van Minh in August 2012 promoted cooperation activities between the two sides as follows:

Establish interaction on issues of concern such as NASA’s support for VAST to participate in SERVIR project (related to the establishment of the satellite image data centre), participate as member of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellite (CEOS); Continue the implementation of the cloud and climate interaction project in the Southeast Asia (SEA4RS), and project the interaction of atmosphere pollution in the Southeast Asia (7-SEAS) (directly carried out between the Institute of Geophysics).

Discuss and unify the possibility for cooperation in fields such as sharing SAR data and earth observation data from VNREDSat; cooperation in training and building human resources of VAST in the field of earth sciences, especially the programme on science application in combination with natural disaster warning and online training courses; continuing to discuss the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and CAL/VAL; exchange staff in the field of earth science and practical application in earth observation.

Several other photos about the working visit of NASA director Charles F. Bolden, Jr. at VAST:

Representatives from VAST and NASA presented souvenirs

Taking photos at the reception

NASA’s working visit to the National Satellite Centre

NASA’s working visit to the Institute of Geophysics

The overview of NASA delegation at the exchange with young Vietnamese scientists

Translated by Tuyet Nhung

Link to Vietnamese Version

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