International conference “Nevanlinna theory and complex geometry in honor of Le Van Thiem"s centenary”

Prof. Le Van Thiem (March 29, 1918 - June 3, 1991) was one of the most outstanding scientists of Vietnam in the 20th century. Together with Prof. Hoang Tuy and other mathematicians, he was the founder of the Vietnam Mathematical Society. He was the first rector of the Hanoi National University of Education and the Hanoi University of Science under the Vietnam National University, and the first Head of the Institute of Mathematics. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Prof. Le Van Thiem, from February 26, 2018 to March 2, 2018, the Institute of Mathematics, the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, the Hanoi National University of Education, the Hanoi University of Science, and Thang Long University held the international conference "Nevanlinna theory and Complex Geometry in Honor of Le Van Thiem"s Centenary" with the participation of mathematicians studying in complex analytics, complex geometry, Nevanlinna Theory, numerical theory and other topics in the recent development of mathematics inVietnam.



Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc takes a photo in front of the monument of Prof. Le Van Thiem and scientists from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology during his visit to the Institute of Mathematics in 2017


Prof. Le Van Thiem is the founder of the modern mathematics in Vietnam. Born in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province in 1918, with his excellent academic achievements, he was awarded a scholarship to study in France. In 1939 he went to Paris to study mathematics. He defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Göttingen (Germany) in 1945, with the theme "Über die Bestimmung des Typus einfach zusammenhängender offener Riemannscher Flächen". He was the first Vietnamese mathematician to have an international publication. He defended the National Doctorate in France in 1949 with his dissertation "Sur le problème d"inversion dans la théorie de la distribution des valeurs des fonctions méromorphes". He had time working with Prof. Rolf Herman Nevanlinna at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, until 1949.


In 1949, in response to the appeal by President Ho Chi Minh, Prof. Le Van Thiem abandoned his scientific position in Zurich to return to active participate in the struggle for national independence. In 1951, Le Van Thiem was moved by the Government from the southern region to Viet Bac with the task of building the University of Basic Science (now the Hanoi University of Science) and the University of Advanced Education (now the Hanoi National University of Education). He was appointed rector of the two universities where he taught theoretical mechanics. He was the first Head of the Institute of Mathematics, the first President of the Vietnam Mathematical Association and the first editor-in-chief of the two Vietnamese mathematical journals, "Acta Mathematica Vietnamica" and "Vietnam Journal of Mathematics". He led the Institute of Mathematics for 15 years. Although he was busy with many administrative activities, he continued to study and teach mathematics. He led many mathematicians in the field of complex analytics, complex geometry, Nevanlinna Theory in Vietnam. The descendants in these fields are Prof. Ha Huy Khoai, Nguyen Van Khue, Do Duc Thai, Ta Thi Hoai An, Tran Van Tan, Nguyen Quang Dieu, Pham Hoang Hiep and many modern Vietnamese mathematicians.




At the conference


Attendants at the opening ceremony were representatives of organizing agencies and sponsors, many Vietnamese and foreign mathematicians. Speaking at the opening ceremony, on behalf of the leaders of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Prof. Nguyen Dinh Cong, VAST Vice President, welcomed domestic and foreign delegates to the conference, stressing that Prof. Le Van Thiem is one of the scientists of the first generation of modern scientists in Vietnam, who made great contributions to the development of the educational and scientific system since national independence in the mid-twentieth century. For the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Prof. Le Van Thiem was the founder and head of the Institute of Mathematics - one of the first few specialized institutes of the academy. During this international conference, presenters were mathematicians coming from many countries around the world, including famous mathematicians. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Cong expressed his belief that the conference would be a bridge between Vietnamese mathematicians and international mathematicians in the field of complex analytics, complex geometry, Nevanlinna Theory, digital theory and other topics in mathematics. He expressed his thanks to the delegates for their presence and wished the conference success.




Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cong, Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, delivered the opening speech at the conference


The international conference “Nevanlinna theory and complex geometry in honor of Le Van Thiem"s centenary” presented 23 reports, with hundreds of scientists from domestic and foreign prestigious universities and research institutes such as the Institute of Mathematics, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi National University of Education No. 1 (Vietnam), the Hanoi University of Science (Vietnam), University of Strasbourg (France), Institute for Advanced Science Research (France), the University of Paris-Diderot Paris 7 (France), the University of Pennsylvania (United States), the University of Rutgers (United States), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), the Korea Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (the Republic of Korea), the Taiwan Academy and Centre of National Theoretical Science (Taiwan), the University of Jagiellonian (Poland), University of Köln (Germany), University of Bayreuth (Germany), University of Science and Technology (Sweden), the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), the University of Nanjing (China), and the National University of Singapore (Singapore).




Participants take photo in front of the monument of Prof. Le Van Thiem


Translated by Phuong Huyen
Link to Vietnames version

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