Innovation for a green future

Intellectual property activities at VAST

Patent exploitation and commercialization of research results play a key role in the development of research institute, are a spearhead of development for businesses and a solid foundation for sustainable economic growth of the country, especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution taking place. The effective inventions exploitation has a positive impact on commercialization, brings research results closer to life, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, country, based on the science and technology development platform. 

With an international publication record maintained at a high level and continuing to be the leading institution in the country, VAST aims to improve the quality of international publications, promote intellectual property work throughout the Institute, in order to bring research results to effective application in practice. In recent years, VAST has been the flagship of the registration and has become the holder of a series of valuable intellectual property patents. In 2019 alone, VAST owns 52 Patent and Utility Solution Patents, accounting for approximately 1/6 of all Vietnamese-owned monopolies, and accounting for about 60 % of the total number of degrees from universities and research institutes in the country, including up to 25 patents - the record number of invention patents per unit. The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology is also the national leader in both categories: new publication (international) and number of IP patents. This is really an impressive achievement, the inevitable result of the continuous efforts of scientists, of the attention, encouragement, strictness in the management of the Application and Implementation Department, and the proper administration and direction of the Board of Directors of VAST. 

The outstanding growth in IP of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology is only in the period 2011-2019

Contribute to build a sustainable society

The earth is our home. Nearly 60 years ago, in April 1961, during the first human flight into space, Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin exclaimed in amazement: "From space, I cannot see the boundaries between nations, I only see the earth with a blue color. I hope everyone in the world will together protect and beautify, not destroy it”.

But over the past decades, along with the development of technology, the earth is becoming more polluted, climate change is becoming more and more obvious. In the context of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution that is changing the world every day, WIPO calls on all of us, regardless of nation or nation, to be aware of our responsibility in the community, to contribute to prevent l pollution, building a "green future" ... With this year's message, WIPO wants to emphasize the urgency of the problem.

"Green future" here is understood as a future of development, civilization and sustainability. According to WIPO, people have intelligence, dexterity and collective creativity to come up with new and more effective ways to shape a green future. The ultimate goal will be back to serving people, improving human values,...

For a city to be a green city needs 3 concepts. First of all, this place must be an ecological city (eco-city), where there is a significant proportion of trees contributing to the ecological balance in the residential area. Next is to show the factor of sustainable development (sustainable city) with complete infrastructure, rational exploitation of resources and effective response to climate change. And finally this must be a smart city from integrating modern technologies into management, administration and serving the needs of residents. Smart city is also a creative city, where each person’s creativity is a resource, a material wealth.

Over the past time, Vietnam’s intellectual property system has achieved significant developments, contributing to the development of science and technology in particular and socio-economic in general. Vietnam has built up a legal system that is compatible with international standards, a system of intellectual property rights establishment and enforcement agencies as well as mechanisms to promote the commercialization of intellectual property. Intellectual property has been concerned as a tool for socio-economic development in Vietnam. An effective intellectual property system will promote innovation, development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies, contributing to building a sustainable society… Intellectual property also help creator, through their protected works, to create a vision of a green future.

Accompanying the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (IPVN) on the topic "Innovation for a green future", Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology committed 2020 as the year of orientation for environmentally-friendly green innovations to shape our green future tomorrow.

One of the regular joint activities between the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the National Office of Intellectual Property: Advanced training for researchers in writing skills and pursuing a patent processing

World Intellectual property Day

Since 2000, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has chosen to take April 26 every year as the World Intellectual Property Day (IP Day) to honor creators, and at the same time to raise awareness about the role of intellectual property in everyday life.

Since then, "IP Day" has become a day when people around the world come together to explore and promote the contributions of intellectual property to the common development of all humanity for human life.

Each year there will be a message or theme introduced by WIPO celebrating World Intellectual Property Day. In 2013, WIPO launched the message: "Creation: Responsibility of the young generation" with the message to the young generation - owners of the future need to be aware of the role of intellectual property in creation and renovation. In 2018, in order to honor the contributions of women in innovation activities, WIPO chooses the theme: “Empowering change - Women with innovation activities”. In 2019, WIPO conveyed the message: "Towards Gold Medal - Intellectual Property and Sports" to honor sports legends and all creative people behind the scenes contributing to improving competition achievement, increasing the attractiveness of sports tournaments around the world...

The messages that WIPO has strived to convey during the past 20 years show that WIPO has always persisted with the goal of promoting innovation and facilitating the transfer of technology related to intellectual property to the developing countries to accelerate economic, social and cultural development, while protecting intellectual property rights worldwide.

This year, World Intellectual Property Day has the theme: "Innovating for a green future". With innovation and the intellectual property rights that support innovation at the heart of our efforts to create a green future, WIPO wants to convey the message: The choices we make today will define our future picture. The earth is our home. We need to care about the earth.

Translated by Phuong Ha
Link to Vietnamese version

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