Implanting high-yield cow’s embryo in the Central Highlands – a new prospect trend
Ms. Chau said that by implanting embryo from high-yield HF cows to common HF cows, the task of improving the value of the project"s herd can be completed. The aim is to improve the productivity of the herd and have HF cows quickly reproduce. She wondered whether the implanting embryo from HF cows to cross-bred cows or yellow cows can solve this problem.
This technology has great advantages because it is suitable for the development of dairy cows in Vietnam in the next 10 to 20 years. The use of local yellow and ze-bu cross-bred cows as embryo receiving cows will reduce the input for embryo-receiving cows (A good ze-bu cross reproductive cow costs from 12 to 15 million VND. A HF reproductive cow costs from 50 to 60 million VND.); Breeding cost for local yellow and ze-bu cross-bred cow is much lower than the cost for HF; using a ze-bu cross-bred cow as the embryo receiving mother will save from 70 to 100% of the milk for raising calf (each HF calf needs about 700-750 milk kilos from newborn to six-month old. HF calf directly sucks its mother (Local yellow and ze-bu cross-bred cows has not exploit milk); Being in the passive immune environment in the womb of the ze-bu cross-bred mother cow during pregnant and breast-fed, born HF calf is very adaptable. Due to the decrease in input cost, cost for food as investment in calf raising technique in the beginning period, households can have HF high-yield cows with low price.
To solve this problem, scientists from the Tay Nguyen (the Central Highlands) Institute for Scientific Research conducted research on high-yield HF cows and developing their embryos. These embryos were directly implanted on ze-bu cross-bred cows and yellow cows during pregnancy and breast-fed.
Tests show positive initial results. On July 14th to 18th 2013, at the Dalatmilk Company, two purebred HF dairy calves thanks to the technique of implanting fresh embryos from HF cows to ze-bu cross-bred cows were born. These two calves have weight of 38 and 42kg. (Figure 1).
HF calves born from cross-bred cows and yellow cows
HF calves grow strong
On July 22nd 2013, a delegation from VAST and the Director Board of the Central Highlands 3 inspected the project progress during a working visit to the Central Highlands. President of VAST Chau Van Minh and members of the delegation congratulated initial success of the project.
President of VAST inspects the project progress
The success will create the premise to bring the model of developing high-yield dairy cows by implanting embryos from recorded HF cows to local cross-bred and yellow cows in the Central Highlands. This new prospect can be applied in other localities that have similar conditions to breed dairy cows. Otherwise, this embryo implanting technique can be applied for rapid development of other quality beef. In the initial steps, high-yield HF cow embryos are directly applied for cross-bred and yellow cows of satellite cow breeding establishments of dairy cow company. This helps to quickly multiply and reduce the price of producing HF calves, bringing high economic effects for local people raising cows. The successful implants will make positive contribution to reducing prices of high quality milk material sources, contributing to raising incomes and decrease costs for people who raise cows, as well as creating jobs for people in the Central Highlands.
Translated by Tuyet Nhung