Identifying the varieties of Ganodermalucidum suitable for semi-natural and intensive farming in Lam Dong

Ganodermalucidum contains many bioactive substances such as triterpenoid, polysaccharide, nucleotide, strerol, alkaloid and steroid, and is a valuable medicinal herb with high economic value. Determining the variety of Ganodermalucidum with clear origin, high productivity, suitable for intensive farming and semi-natural conditions in Da Lat, Lam Dong, will contribute to improving productivity, quality and value of the locally grown plant.

In the framework of the grassroots level project "Research on some biological characteristics and yield of some strains of Ganodermalucidum cultivated under semi-natural conditions in Da Lat", headed by MA. PhanNhaHoa, the Central Highlands Scientific Research Institute, which has been tested and graded with excellent grade, scientists have studied the growth of 6 varieties of Ganodermalucidum with different origins: Variety DL (GN12) taken from the Central Highlands Scientific Research Institute; varieties DT (GN13), DLX (GN14), and DK (GN15) from Institute of Agricultural Genetics; and varieties HC (GN16), and XC (GN17) from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.

The results of the study showed that the varieties have different growth in the different stages. In the period of raising mycelium on embryo bags, the fastest growing mycelium GN13 variety reached 18.71cm after 35 days of cultivation. In the fruiting stage, different varieties also produce different yields. In semi-natural growing conditions, the variety GN13 has a higher fruiting weight compared to other varieties, reaching 24.83 dry gram per pack of embryos. Under intensive farming conditions, the variety GN12 has the highest fruiting weight of 17.40 dry gram per bag of embryos. The variety GN12 also has a high content of ganoderic acid A both in semi-natural conditions (0.228%) as well as in intensive farming (0.3%). The content of polysaccharide reached 1.30 gram per 100gram of dry matter grown in semi-natural conditions and 0.84 gram per 100gram of dry matter grown under intensive cultivation.

In general, two GN12 varieties derived from the Central Highlands Scientific Research Institute and GN13 from the Institute of Agricultural Genetics have high yield, suitable for semi-natural growing conditions. The variety GN12 derived from The Central Highlands Scientific Research Institute is also suitable for intensive farming conditions, with good quality.

Identifying the varieties of Ganodermalucidum that have a clear origin, high productivity, suitable for intensive farming and semi-natural conditions in Da Lat, Lam Dong, will contribute to improving productivity and quality of cultivated Ganodermalucidum in the province.

GN12 variety grown in semi-natural condition

GN12 variety grown in intensive farming condition

Translated by Phuong Huyen
Link to Vietnamese version


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