Hydrography and hydraulic power software set up for flood control in the Red River Delta

Floods, a dangerous natural calamity, occur in the Red River Delta annually and controlling floods need more attention and research. The research group for floods of the Institute of Mechanics, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology set up tools to provide for flood control in the Red River Delta and Thai Binh River.

Names of SoftwareDescription
Database Bank
Hydrography calculation
Hydrography calculation
Hydraulic power 1D
Hydraulic power 2D
Dam break 1D
Dam break
Socio-economic model
Technology to duplicate flood scenario
Hydrography and hydraulic power integration
Hydraulic power integration 1D and 2D
Hydraulic power integration 1D and development model for break trace

The software was linked together to establish tools to provide for specific problems of flood control in general and flood control in the Red River Delta in particular and was asserted through application results. These tools allow:

• To forecast the flow into water reservoirs at the upper reaches of the Red River system
• To manage the system of water reservoirs: Son La, Hoa Binh, Thac Ba, and Tuyen Quang
• To forecast the water level and flow at important locations in the lowlands: Hanoi, Pha Lai

Among these tools, hydrography and hydraulic power software play the key role.

The Da River valley in the hydrography model IMECH_MARINE

• The hydrography model plays to collect water on the vally surface from rain to main rivers. The model is one of the leading tools for flood forecast and control and it was set up, tested and tapped.

Forecast results 36 hours before the flow into Hoa Binh lake for the flood season 2008

• The hydraulic power model plays to collect water from the hydrography software and calculate the flow stream on the river system

Forecast results 48 hours before the flow into Hoa Binh lake by IMECH_MARINE for the historical flood from July 4th to 10th, 2009

The group of science and research in flood control of the Institute of Mechanics

Translated by Bich Van
Link to Vietnamese Version

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