Address: 01 Mac Dinh Chi street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Hochiminh City Director: Associate Professor Doctor Pham Viet Hoa Vice Directors: 1. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Van Lap 2. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong
Decision No: 1898/QĐ-KHCNVN, dated September 20,2007
Signed by: Dang Vu Minh - Director General of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
| | | DIRECTORATE | Director: | Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Viet Hoa | Vice Directors: | 1. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Van Lap | | 2. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong | | | | |
| SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL | - Chairman: Assoc.Prog.Dr Nguyen Van Lap
- Vice chairman: Dr Ho Dinh Duan
- Secretary: Dr Nguyen Tho
- Members: Assoc.Prog.Dr Ta Thi Kim Oanh, Assoc.Prog.Dr Pham Viet Hoa, Assoc.Prog.Dr Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong, Dr Le Ngoc Thanh, Dr Trinh Phi Hoanh, Master Dang Hoa Vinh, Master Pham Tuan Nhi, Master Nguyen Thanh Hung.
| | FUNCTIONS AND TASKS | Functions: Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Resources Geography is the basic scientific and technical entity belong to the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. It functions in fundamental research and investigation on geography, natural resources and environment, serving for research and socio- econmic development.
Tasks: - Fundemental investigation and research on physical, condition natural resources environment and socio- economic development of socital territories;
- Investigation, research, and appropriate use of natural resources; experimenting and analysis in the field of geography, natural resources and environment;
- Searching, exploitation and processing of minerals;
- Research and application of scientific and technical solutions in investigation, use exploitation of natural resources, control and treatment of environmental pollution, biodiversity protection, prevention and mitigation of natural disasters;
- Research, development and application of Remote sensing technology, GIS, GPS, Internet....in spatial data analysis, modelling for assessment and forescating;
- Research, development and application of geophysical methods for research on geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology, and environment;
- Research and construction of population- ecology models, provison of clean water and environmental santiation; technical deployment, consultation, appraisal, criticism, and conducting scientific and technical services in the fields of expertise;
- Collaboration with researh entities both domestic and internationally on geographical research natural resources, environment and technological transfer in the fields of expertise;
- Organization and training provision to scientists in the field of geography, natural resources and environment.
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| ORGANIZATIONS | | HUMAN RESOURCES | Sections, Departments: | - Department of Intergated Geography;
- Department of Land Resources;
- Department of Water Resources;
- Department of Geophysics;
- Department of Geology and Geomorphology;
- Department of envirnmental geography and Economic and Social Geography;
- Center of Remote Sensing Technology and GIS;
- Center of Analysis, Experiment and Mineral Technology;
- Centre of application research and science technology deployment;
- Department of Administration
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| | Total: 38 | Professors: Associate Professors: 02 Doctors of Science: Doctors: 08 Masters: 12 Bachelors: 10 Others: 4 |
National activities: Linking integrated basic research and applied and deployment research, focusing on integrated assessment research for territorial planning; assessment of land potential, converting plant structure; adjustment of landuse planning; flood reduction, impacts of flooding, flash floods, landslides, land subsidence; earthquake; geological structure, constructional geology; hydrogeology; sediment structure, sediment deposition, surveying and explorating sand, soil ecology, wetlands; use of raised-bed soils; hydrogeochemistry, aquatic biology, shrimp aquaculture environment; biodiversity, salt intrusion, thunder and lightening; pollution of surface water and groundwater; geophysical technology; inorganic polymer, GIS and RS-based mapping, database construction…
International cooperation: Exchanging and cooperating regularly with the Institutes and Universities of Japan, France, Germany, America, England, Poland, Belgium, Taiwan…in the fields under research. |
- The largest achievement of the Institute in research activities is to establish a close link between basic research and the resolution of practical issues on physical and socio-economic aspects for provinces of the central coast, Southeastern area, Ho Chi Minh City, and those of the Mekong delta;
- The 1985 Award from VAST (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) to the authors of “Oriented integrated basic research in the Plain of Reeds”;
- The 1995 Scientific Award by VAST to the authors of “Utilization of water resources and flood regulation in the Plain of Reeds”;
- A Certificate of merit by the chairman of Thua Thien-Hue People’ Committee to the authors of the work cluster “Oriented integrated basic research on resources of mounds, hills, and sandy soils in the coastal part of Thua Thien-Hue for agricultural development”: the A-prize of the Co Do on the 1st Science and Technology 2016.
- A Certificate of merit was awarded for the research: “Investigating the causes of thunder and lightening and proposing prevention measures to mitigate destructive impacts in the La Nga valley, Duc Linh-Tanh Linh, Binh Thuan province ” in 2017 by the Chairman of People’ Committee of Binh Thuan province.
Website: http://www.resourcesgeography.ac.vn |