Electronic document communication axis for sending and receiving 4 levels and Digital Signature Set 2.0

The communication of electronic documents from the central government to the local levels is the basis for deploying the connection and interconnection of information systems in service of the direction and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister and governments at all levels, forming an e-Government system. This is a requirement in Decision 28/2018/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister on sending and receiving electronic documents between agencies in the state administrative system.

Starting from that practical requirement, Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology assigned the Center for Informatics and Computing to chair and coordinate with VAST Office, the Department of Organization and Committee, the Institute of Information Technology to carry out the task "Upgrading the Document Communication Axis to send and receive 4-level electronic documents and Deploy a digital signature library at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology”.

Upgrade the Communication Axis to send and receive electronic documents 4 levels

Before upgrading: Units under Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology send and receive documents with ministries, branches and localities according to Decision 28/2018/QĐ-TTg. However, there are still some shortcomings, such as some units under VAST not yet being in the system, some functions having not been completed; units under VAST that want to send and receive electronic documents with units under ministries, branches and localities must go through the VAST Office on the National Document Connection Axis.

The process of sending and receiving documents on the Text Communication Axis before the upgrade

After upgrading: VAST's units were able to send and receive documents directly with ministries, branches and localities via the Document Communication Axis. In order for the sending and receiving of electronic documents on VAST's electronic document communication axis to be implemented effectively, on 30/7/2021, the President of VAST signed Decision 1349/QĐ-VHL and issued a list of electronic identifiers of units under VAST to serve the connection and sharing of data with information systems and databases of ministries, branches and localities methods and internal information systems of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and Decision 1898/QĐ-VHL dated 12/11/2021 promulgating the Regulations on sending and receiving electronic documents at 4 levels on the Electronic Document Interconnection Axis of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

The process of sending and receiving documents on the Document Communication Axis after upgrading

Upgrade Digital Signage Kit to version 2.0

The promotion of the use of specialized digital signatures in electronic transactions has been gradually replacing traditional transactions in state agencies, bringing positive effects to the administrative activities of the staff; and ensuring the level of safety and confidentiality of information in the network environment. In addition, in order to meet the principles and regulatory requirements promulgated by the Government on clerical work, the Center for Informatics and Computing has upgraded and integrated digital signature software on the document management and operating system VAST-Office from version 1.0 to 2.0.

The interface of functions of the 2.0 digital signature set is integrated on the document and operating management system

Evaluation after deploying to send and receive digitally signed documents 2.0 on the Executive Document Management system shows that: Digital signing library 2.0 ensures easy access with popular Web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Cốc Cốc. The new set of libraries integrates a full digital signature according to the provisions of Article 5; Point 7 Article 13 Decree 30/2020/NĐ-CP on clerical work issued by the Government on March 5, 2020: Clear division of each specific function: Authorization signing function for leaders; Sign the release seal, sign the number of the incoming dispatch for the official letter; Digital signature size is fixed according to regulations; The date, month, and year can be selected for the text.

Up to now, 100% of VAST's units have proficiently used the digital signature toolkit 2.0 and sent and received 4-level electronic documents on the document management and administration system of VAST. The digitally signed document ensures the integrity of the data and is not changed during transmission over the network; The recipient when receiving the text identifies the sender. This has confirmed the effectiveness of digital signatures in the direction, administration and handling of work at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Translated by Phuong Ha
Link to Vietnamese version

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