Discovery and description of a new species of Begoniaceae in southern Vietnam
The new species Begonia tadungensis is classified in the “Sphenanthera” group of Begoniasect. Platycentrum has berries, and is morphologically similar to species B. albopunctata due to its broad egg-shaped leaf blade, 3-separate-lobed stigma, 4-cell pots, and berries with a top base. However, the new species can be easily distinguished from species B. albopunctata by some morphological features such as: the surface under the leaves is smooth and the fruit has many gray hairs. The new species is similar to B. pendens due to its wide egg-shaped leaf blade and unisexual plant, but can be easily distinguished from B. pendens due to the female flower having 6 petals and the flower base having 4 plots. Morphological and ecological characteristics, conservation status and related classification information have been described in detail, while research results are published in the specialized journal Phytotaxa 449 (1): 065-074, 2020.
General morphology of Begonia tadungensis (Photo: Do Van Truong)
Translated by Phuong Huyen
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