Conference and Exhibition on nuclear physics applications in the current fields of science and technology
The conference drew the participation of Dr. Le Quynh Lien, Head of International Cooperation Department, VAST; Assoc. Prof. Dinh Van Trung, Director of the Institute of Physics, VAST; Dr. Nguyen Xuan Anh, Director of Institute of Geophysics, VAST; Assoc. Prof. Tran Dinh Phong, Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, VAST; Prof. Boris Sharkov, Director of Development with Scientific Partners JINR; Dr. Dmitry Kamanin, Head of International Cooperation Department JINR; Dr. Valery Shvetsov, Director of the Frank Laboratory for Neutron Physics; Dr. Alexander Verkheev, Deputy Director of the JINR University Center; Luong Ba Vinh and scientists working at JINR.
Dr. Dimitry Kamanin and Prof. Boris Sharkow introduced an overview of research projects and programs at JINR, with emphasis on interdisciplinary projects and applications of nuclear physics in fields such as materials science, nanotechnology, and science. Currently at JINR, there are the most modern research equipments in the world today. Vietnamese scientists are welcome to conduct research at JINR and make the best use of existing facilities at JINR for their research. JINR also has many scholarship programs, short courses exclusively for students, graduate students and young researchers around the world, especially from member countries including Vietnam, to come to study and participate in research projects with the direct scientific guidance of scientists at JINR.
Dr. Le Quynh Lien, Head of International Cooperation Department, VAST, introduced Vietnam's activities and achievements at JINR, emphasizing the desire of Vietnam in general and VAST in particular to deploy more activities with JINR in research development strategy, especially high level research. Assoc. Prof. Dinh Van Trung (Director of the Institute of Physics), Dr. Nguyen Xuan Anh (Director of the Institute of Geophysics), and Assoc. Prof. Tran Dinh Phong (Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Science and Technology), also expressed the desire to develop deeper high-quality training and research activities with JINR. The delegates shared their views on the great potential of nuclear physics in many fields of science and technology. The strengthening of the Vietnamese research team at JINR with the participation of young researchers from many different disciplines will create a solid bridge for research cooperation between JINR, VAST and other research units of Vietnam.
On the sidelines of the conference, an exhibition introducing JINR's outstanding activities and achievements was also held on October 27, 2022 at USTH. Here, the participants were introduced and experienced through virtual reality technology some of the research being carried out at JINR, such as: NICA Accelerator Complex (Russian collider collider), SuperHeavy Element Factory and the BAIKAL-GVD Neutrino Telescope. With the help of virtual reality technology, JINR laboratories are clearly visible and the participants will feel like they are participating in a real experiment.
Some photos at the Conference and Exhibition:
Overview of the Conference
Working at the Exhibition, attendees were introduced to and experienced through virtual reality technology some of the research being done at JINR
Delegates sharing and exchanging information at the Conference
Translated by Phuong Ha
Link to Vietnamese version