Climate map shows human impacts

A map designed to show the predicted effects of a 4C rise in global average temperature has been unveiled by the UK government.


It shows a selection of the impacts of climate change on human activity.

These include extreme temperatures, drought, effects on water availability, agricultural productivity, the risk of forest fire and sea level rise.

The map is based on peer-reviewed science from the Met Office"s Hadley Centre and other scientific groups.

It was launched at the Science Museum by Foreign Secretary David Miliband, Climate and Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and the UK"s chief scientist Professor John Beddington.

According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, agricultural yields would be expected to decrease for all major cereal crops in all major regions of production.

In addition, half of all Himalayan glaciers will be significantly reduced by 2050, leading to 23% of the population of China being deprived of the vital dry season glacial meltwater.

The impacts are those expected to result following a global average temperature rises of 4C above the pre-industrial climate average.

Mr Miliband commented: "To tackle the problem of climate change, all of us - foreign ministries, environment ministries, treasuries, departments of defence and all parts of government and societies - must work together to keep global temperatures to 2C.


Source: BBC

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