Announcement of application marking new step in 3D animation technique using mathematical foundation in the No.1 Computer Graphics Journal

The work entitled "A stiffly accurate integrator for elastodynamic problems" by Prof. Vu Thai Luan, Institute of Information and Technology, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, member of the American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and a consultant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, the Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas, USA, and colleagues, was published in the number-one computer graphics journal ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) in July, 2017. Furthermore, it was among few works chosen to be featured at the world"s largest conference on computer graphics and interactive technologies SIGGRAPH 2017. (See video SIGGRAPH 2017 reviewing the work at

The work was also highlighted by the University of California at:




Image illustrates hair movement in 3D animation


In recent years, local residents in some provinces such as Lao Cai, Ha Giang and Cao Bang have strongly exploited some species in this family for sale, such as Mahonia nepalensis DC, M. leptodonta Gagnep, Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Pynaert, Berberis wallichiana DC and B. julianae Schneid), leading to remarkable reduction in the species’ density and reserves, leading to it being listed in the Red Book of Vietnam, the Mahonia bealei and the Berberis wallichiana, for example, at the EN level. So far our country has had only some studies on the Mahonia nepalensis DC chemical and biological activity and the conservation of Mahonia nepalensis DC. There are almost no studies on biological characteristics as well as chemical composition and biological activity of Berberis wallichiana DC and Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Pynaert.




Image simulates flying bird wings in 3D animation


Watching previous generation animation films (2D), we can roughly understand that filmmakers use traditional hand-drawing techniques. Coming to 3D animation films today, you will not be surprised at the astonishing art of imitation of life. So how can filmmakers make films with such truthful 3D motion effects? The answer behind these technological achievements, according to Prof. Vu Thai Luan, lies largely in mathematics. Prof. Luan and his colleagues have applied mathematics to create a new step in 3D animation technology.


Mathematics is important because it is necessary to establish mathematical equations that describe the movement of things/characters (such as using Newton"s laws of motion). Reconnection of equations will yield a set of equations called the dynamical system which includes thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of data points. In computer graphics, a typical example of challenging the simulation technique is the movement of the hair (in the scene of a girl with long hair consisting of hundreds of thousands of strands, blowing her hair in the wind). Imagine, to simulate the movement of the hair, each strand of hair is attached by an equation in the system. When the hair on the head vibrates, it can affect the motion of the strand next to it (colliding), all of that is connected and expressed by a mathematical equation.


Moreover, this method is quite general and can be applied to many other fields. For example, he and his team are developing this method for molecular dynamics with applications in biotechnology. Furthermore, he and his colleagues in Canada are also developing methods to speed calculations for atmospheric problems with applications in weather forecasting.




Prof. Vu Thai Luan, co-author of the research work, creates a new step in 3D animation technology using mathematical background


Translated by Phuong Huyen
Link to Vietnamese version





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