2022 Tran Dai Nghia Award Council meets for first session
After 2 awards in 2016 and 2019, this is the third time the Tran Dai Nghia Award Council has organized the awarding and selection of excellent works. The Tran Dai Nghia Award has been awarded to 14 authors (including scientists in various fields of activity, entrepreneurs, and managers) of 6 excellent scientific research works, which have applied applications, solving major national problems in science and technology. The honor from the Tran Dai Nghia Award has become a motivation and belief for award-winning authors to continue to devote themselves so that science - technology is really the driving force for the development of the country.
Before entering the meeting, the Council held a minute of silence in memory of Prof. Acad. Nguyen Van Hieu, who proposed and developed the Tran Dai Nghia Award.
During the working session, the Awards Council agreed on many important contents of the 2022 Tran Dai Nghia Award, such as classifying valid proposals for awarding the 2022 Prize by field; proposing the establishment of specialized scientific councils, criteria for evaluating dossiers and plans for awarding prizes. It is expected that the specialized scientific councils will start working in March 2022. The Award Council will meet for the second session at the end of March 2022, it is expected that the Tran Dai Nghia Award will be considered and awarded in May 2022.
Taking event photo at the end of the first session of the 2022 Tran Dai Nghia Award Council
Translated by Phuong Ha
Link to Vietnamese version