Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
821 Investigation, evaluation for the characteristics of the Day River deltafront and their impacts to the regional deposition – erosion processes. PhD. Duong Quoc Hung
822 Biodegradability evaluation of biodegradable polymes which have been using in Vietnam under different environmental treatments Asocc. Prof. Dang Thi Cam Ha
823 Application of fingerprintmethodin functional food quality control Dr. Tran Thi Hong Hanh
824 Develop a process to quantify toxic substances in food Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Trung
825 Studies on the chemical composition of some marine orgnnisms collected from the 5th expedion aboard the R/V "Akademik Oparin" in Vietnam, to obtain bioactive compounds for biomedical research Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nam
826 Investigation of bioactive compounds potentialin marine medicinal materials in theCentral Coast of Vietnam (from North Central to Middle Central Coast) Prof. Acad. Chau Van Minh
827 Design, manufacture measuring equipment system and monitor on-line structure by vibration method. Nguyen Viet Khoa
828 The study of bioactive secondary metabolites from several marine molluskscollectedinthe Central Vietnam sea (from Northern Central to Midd Central Vietnam sea) Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh
829 Studycontentand composition of lipid, fatty acid and their derivatives from some marine organisms in the North Central to Central Coast of Vietnam Prof. Pham Quoc Long
830 Evaluation of genetic diversity and molecular marker assisted selection of Lien Minh chicken. Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy
831 Discovery of anti-tuberculosis and antibiotic compounds from microorganisms in the sea of Northern Central region (from Northern Central to Mid-Central Vietnam) Project’s code: VAST.TĐ.DLB.04/16-18Belonging to Focal Point Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil Pham Van Cuong
832 Completion of the project proposal "Creation of the National Center for Biotechnology of Northern Vietnam" A/Prof. Chu Hoang Ha
833 Investigation on the isolation of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory compounds from some echinoderms living in Central Coast of Vietnam (from North Central to Middle Central Coast)to create functional food that help promote human's health Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong
834 Investigation on the isolation of compounds from some soft corals living in Central Coast of Vietnam (from North Central to Middle Central Coast) regarding cytotoxic and anti-microbial activities Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nam
835 Study on exploitation of sponge medicinal materials at the sea areas of Centeral Vietnam (the sea areas from north to middle Central Vietnam) targeting on cytotoxic activity, using for treatment/assisted treatment of cancer Assoc.Prof. Phan Van Kiem
836 Studying diversity of Meiofaunal communities, focusing on taxonomy, biogeography, ecology and reproductive biology of free-living marine nematodes in Vietnamese sea Nguyen Dinh Tu
837 Investigation on the isolation of bioactive secondary metabolites from some microalgaes living in Central coast of Vietnam (from North Central to Middle Central Coast) Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Hang
838 Finalizing the extraction process and testing the production of Ba Giang capsule Trinh Thi Thuy
839 Research on cave arthropods in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park Assoc.Prof. Pham Dinh Sac
840 Developing methods and software for evaluating the reliability of electricity supply taking into account the role of renewable energy sources and fuel sources for power plants in Vietnam. Le Cong Thinh