Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
761 Assessing the real situation of clam culture area in the coastal Tra Vinh province and establishing a model of sustainable aquaculture Prof., Dr. Ta Thi Kim Oanh
762 Development of a ELISA method using imprinted polymers as antibody for detection of drug residures in food. Dr. Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy
763 Submerged fermentation of medicinal fungi Cordyceps spp. isolated in Vietnam for production of mycelial biomass, exopolysaccharides, and for further development of functional foods Dr. Bui Van Ngoc
764 Application remote sensing imagery and GIS in supporting management and planning at key development areas in Dong Nai Province. Msc. Chu Xuan Huy
765 Design, manufacture and testing the impressed current cathodic protection for corrosion prevention of ship hull complying with standard TCVN 6051:1995 Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phong
766 Study on fabrication of some hybrid nano structures base on graphen-ferit for applying in electrode material of supercapacitors Dr. Le Trong Lu
767 Modeling application of salt tolerant microorganisms to treat coastal water pollution PhD. Do Van Manh
768 Recovery of spent pickling liquors for magnetic antibacterial nanocomposite synthesis, applications for hospital wastewater treatment Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Tuan Dung
769 Investigating and assessing an impacts of An Khe – Kanak hydropower plant on water resources in the downstream of Ba River Basin. Truong Phuong Dung
770 Study on the technology of producing biodegradable garbage bags from waste plastic Dr. Nguyen Trung Duc
771 The reviews and suggestions to improve online environmental auto-monitoring systems at the Vietnam Academy of science and technology. Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu
772 Study, development of an optical pump-probe spectroscopy system application for ultrafast spectroscopy Nguyen Thanh Binh
773 Asenic treatment in drilled well water by electro-coagulation technology in residential area scale Phan Thi Binh, Assoc. Prof. Dr., senior researcher
774 Studying and developing multicomponent reactions in the synthesis of biologically heterocyclic compounds Dr. Dang Thi Tuyet Anh
775 Intevestigation of technological process of hydro copper Dr Ngo Huy Khoa
776 Prospect of granitoid intrusion-related gold – sulfide mineralizations in the Lo Gam structure, Northeastern Vietnam Pham Thi Dung
777 MicroSat Kit, A Satellite Simulation Model for Hands-on Space Education Le Xuan Huy
778 Study on the synthesis process and characterization of nanocomposites of hydroxyapatite and Nhatrang sodium alginate and its oligosaccharides toward the application as functional food Phan Thi Ngoc Bich
779 Study on the scientific basis for sustainable utilization and conservation of some species of the family Balanophoraceae L.C. & A. Rich. in Vietnam. Dr. Nguyen Quang Hung
780 Study on chemical constituents and biological activity of two plants Crypsinus trilobus and Eleutherin bulbosa, to create functional foods from the Eleutherin bulbosa. Grant No. VAST. ƯDCN. 01/16-18 Dr. Pham Thi Bich Hanh