Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
281 Nonlinear analysis of structures made of anisotropic and nonhomogeneous material Prof. Nguyen Dinh Kien
282 Study and fabrication of ordered metallic nanostructures as surface plasmon resonances for smart plasmonic devices and sensing Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ngo Quang Minh
283 Preparation, study on characteristics, and properties of topcoat on the base of emulsion polymer having against heat, abrasion durability, microorganisms inhibition applied in construction and architectural field Prof. Dr. Thai Hoang
284 Effect of the ribosomal tunnel shape and interactions on the folding and escape of nascent proteins Ph.D. Bui Phuong Thuy
285 Evaluation of a system combining high rate algal pond and cóntructed wetland for livestock wastewater treatment. Pham Le Anh
286 Study and manufacture active vibration isolation used for optical tweezers Msc Nguyen Ba Nghi
287 Investigation, searching for some plants collected from the north of Vietnam, possessing antidengue activity Dr. Tran Thi Phuong Thao
288 Completing the technological process and building a production line for manufacturing some biodegradable eco-friendly plastic packaging products Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung
289 Completing the composting process from domestic waste at the factory scale, creating organic fertilizers to improve soil and to propagate industrial plants by thermophilic microorganisms Dang Thi Cam Ha
290 Application of remote sensing and GIS technology to establish the saline soils map in Dong Nai province Msc. Chu Xuan Huy
291 Evolutionary differentiation of hygrophilous and xerophilous liverworts in North Indochina: Calypogeia versus Frullania subg. Thyopsiella и F. subg. Meteoriopsis Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Sinh
292 The influence of external Mach waves on laminar-turbulent transition in a supersonic boundary layer Prof. Dr. Duong Ngoc Hai
293 Study on chemical constitutents and biological activities of Derris elliptica (Wall.) Benth Bui Thi Thu Trang
294 Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity evaluation of new sultam derivatives Dr. Vo Ngoc Binh
295 Study on fabrication, evaluation of physicochemical properties of Bi1-xMxVO4-δ (0<x<0.5) and BiV1-yMyO4-δ (0<y<0.5) materials with (M = Fe, Cu, Ni, và Co) and applicability as photocatalysts Dr. Pham Van Thinh
296 Species composition, biomass and distribution of genus Sargassum in the Southwestern sea of Vietnam Nguyen Van Tu
297 Design and Fabrication of a Humanoid Robot Head Pham Thanh Binh
298 Investigate and create spectral reflectance samples of some representative objects and surface temperature in the Northern Delta region Msc. Nguyen Van Dung
299 Commerce development of LED bulb cooled by liquid convection using in cilvil lighting. Dr. Bui Hung Thang
300 Developing a practical toolkit for attitude determination and control of satellite for space technology training MEng. Truong Xuan Hung