Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
301 Phytochemical study and biological activity of Pandanus plant species from Vietnam Vu Duc Nam, Ph.D.
302 Conservation genetic of Cinamonmum balansae Lecomte in some nature reserves in North Vietnam Dr. Vu Dinh Duy
303 Development of computational models for Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and Scanning Gate Microscope (SGM) in studying the electronic and local transmission properties of two-dimensional materials devices PhD. Nguyen Mai Chung
304 Study of genetic variations in Vietnamese patients with familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) Do Manh Hung
305 Evaluation of antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of endophytic actinimycetes isolated from mangrove plants from Quang Ninh province Dr. Quach Ngoc Tung
306 Research on genetic modification in Vietnamese patients with Androgen insensitivity syndrome by using Next-Generation sequencing method PhD. Nguyen Thu Hien
307 Study and synthesis nano structure 2D transition metal dichalcogenides electrocatayst for hydrogen evolution reaction of Electrochemical water splitting Dr. Bui Thi Hoa
308 Investigation of the influence of Sodium doping on the characteristics of p-type SnOx films fabricated by prepared by reactive direct current magnetron sputtering Pham Hoai Phuong
309 Synthesis and bioactivity testing of some benzamide derivatives Dr. Dinh Thi Cuc
310 Investigation and synthesis of transition-metal complexes to catalyze for Hydrogen evolution by proton reduction Dr. To Hai Tung