Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
1371 Preparations of electromagnetic wave shielding coatings based on carbon nanotube filled composites applying in equipment shielding and ensuring the safety of human Dr. Hoang Anh Son
1372 Development of a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for single molecule measurement MSc. Nguyen Thi Thanh Bao
1373 Study to verify the rule of distribution, structure and thickness of sediment on the Vietnam continental shelf and adjacent based on geophysic data (according to the newest data obtained in 2007-2009 on the East Sea) Dr. Hoang Van Vuong - Major Researcher
1374 Study pollution levels of heavy metals in coastal marine sediments around the Mekong Delta to serve sustainable development Dr. Le Ngoc Anh
1375 Design and construction of an in/out control system based on the technology of detection and recognition of the human face Assoc. Prof. Dang Quang A
1376 To assess the accumulation of toxic pollutants in some special organisms at the tidal flat in the Northeast of Vietnam in order to propose preventable solutions for the toxic accumulation in human body Msc. Le Xuan Sinh
1377 Enhancing capacity of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in water environment protection – Phase 2 Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
1378 Fabrication of invisible material not reflecting radar wave in frequency range of 2-18 GHz Dr. Vu Dinh Lam
1379 Using Magnetic susceptibility method study paleoclimate in Pleistocene sediment of caves up to now in North of Vietnam to predict and built model of climate in Vietnam Dr. Luu Thi Phuong Lan
1380 Coíĩee grovvth monitoring and yield estimation in Daklak provinceusing VNREDSAT-1, other remote sensing data and GISProject's code: VT/UD-05/13-15 Dinh Ngoc Dat