Order Featured image Project's title Project leader's name
1341 Research on production of biological products for detection of the influenza A virus using recombinant single chain antibodies ScFv Chu Hoang Ha
1342 Modeling and simulating of some ecological systems Prof. Asso. Phan Thi Ha Duong
1343 Strengthening and Improved Co-Management of Ethnomedicinal Plant Garden at Cuc Phuong commune Truong Quang Bich
1344 Improvement and Improved Management of the Threatened Plants Rescue Center (TPRC) at Cuc Phuong National Park Truong Quang Bich - Cuc Phuong National Park
1345 Support to LED lighting technology research, development and application in plants growing Prof.Dr. Phan Hong Khoi
1346 Management, identification and restoration of specimens collected in the International Cooperation Biodiversity Group (ICBG), preserved at Herbarium (HN) – Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources Dr. Le Xuan Canh
1347 Develop a set of programs for earthquake short-term prediction based on a combination of statistical model and physical tectonics methods, apply to the territory of Vietnam and surrounding areas Dr. Ngo Thi Lu
1348 Research on biology, ecologyof blood sucking bugs belong to sbbfamily Triatominae (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) and their distribution characteristic in Vietnam Dr. TRUONG XUAN LAM
1349 Investigation, evaluation and proposal of application type of exploiting and processing technology of mineral resources at Vietnam-China border areas Associate Professor Dr. Senior researcher Nguyen Xuan Tang
1350 Research to improve the process manufacturing technology by means of electrolysis nickel from nickel ores in the Ban Phuc Pham Duc Thang