Project's information

Project's title Research on anti-viral effects on pigs of active compounds isolated from Stixis scandens Lour. species in Vietnam
Project’s code ĐLTE00.07/21-22
Research hosting institution Institute of Chemistry
Project leader’s name Tran Thi Yen
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Grade B
Goal and objectives of the project
- Research on the chemical composition of Stixis scandens Lour. by modern chromatographic and physical methods.
- Research on the anti-viral effects on swine (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea and African Swine Fever) of chemical components isolated from research plants.
- Research on the extraction process of some key compounds in the plant, thereby serving as an indicator in determining the content, and building up criteria for evaluating raw materials for future studies.
Main results
- Theoretical results:
+ From the leaf and steam samples collected in Phu Tho: 19 compounds have been isolated and determined, of which four new compounds are (SS5G3)-(3R,9R)-3.9-dihydroxy -megastigman-5-ene 3-O-primeveroside, (PSS5G2)-(3R,9S)-3.9-dihydroxy-megastigman-5-ene 3-O-primeveroside, (PSS4C2) stixilenin, và (PSS6A1)-Scandemide.
+ The anti-inflammatory activity of 17 compounds was evaluated. The results showed that there were 5 compounds (SS8A, PSS10F1.2, PSS4C2, SS10E, SS10A) showing NO inhibitory activity, in which PSS10F1.2 showed the most potential activity with IC50 value = 43.17 ± 1.16 µm. 
+ The ability of PED virus inactivation of crude extracts was tested. The results showed that all 14 extracts at 1/20 concentration were safe for Vero cells, and all 14 extracts at 1/20 concentration were not able to inactivate PEDV 104TCID50/ml for 60 min. And the crude extract in water has the ability to inhibit the activity of PED virus at the minimum concentration of 0.15 μg/ml, in which the crude extract in ethanol has the ability to inhibit the activity. of PED virus at a minimum concentration of 1.25 mg/ml.
+ Published 01 article in the journal Natural Product Research and 01 article in the Journal of Analytical Sciences (with approval for publication).
- Applied results:
+ A procedure for isolating Syringin from Stixis scandens Lour. has been developed on a laboratory scale.
New contributions of the topic:
- The first time study chemical composition of the leaves of Stixis scandes.
- 04 new compounds have been isolated from this species.
- The first time evaluated the NO inhibitory activity of compounds isolated from the Stixis scandes.
- For the first time, the study evaluated the inactivation effect of crude extracts and compounds isolated from Stixis scandes against the PED virus.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list): 01 article has been published in the journal Natural Product Research and 01 articles in the Journal of Analytical Sciences.
- Technological products (Currently kept at the Laboratory of Drug & Discovery, Institute of Chemistry):
+ 19 compounds (including 4 new compounds) have been isolated and their chemical structures determined.
+ Test results of anti-inflammatory activity of 17 isolated compounds.
+ Results of the inactivation test of crude extract and 14 extracts at cytotoxic concentrations against PED virus.
+ Process of isolating Syringin from the species of Stixis scandens Lour. on laboratory scale.
+ Records proving the structure of 19 clean substances isolated from the national eggplant (MS, NMR, IR spectroscopy...).

Recommendations Further research on the ability to inhibit PED virus, and application of the project's product against PED virus.
Images of project