Project's information

Project's title Research to assess the current status of vascular plants, propose measures to preserve, develop and use sustainably in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve, Gia Lai province
Project’s code ĐL0000.03/22-23
Research hosting institution Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources
Project leader’s name Dr. Bui Hong Quang
Project duration 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2023
Project’s budget 1,500 million VND
Classify Grade A
Goal and objectives of the project
Assess the current status of vascular plant species composition in the Kon Ha Nung Plateau World Biosphere Reserve and propose solutions for conservation and sustainable development.
Main results
- Theoretical results:
+ The project identifies the flora of the world Biosphere Reserve of the Kon Ha Nung Highlands with a total of 2,232 species and subspecies belonging to 859 genera and 182 plant families of 5 branches of vascular plants: Lycopodiophyta. :12 species, 4 genera, 2 families; Equisetophyta phylum: 2 species, 1 genus, 1 family; Fern phylum (Polypodiophyta): 122 species, 46 genera, 11 families; Pinophyta: 14 species, 10 genera, 7 families; Magnolia phylum (Magnoliophyta): 2082 species and subspecies, 798 genera, 161 families;
+ Five new species have been announced to science, Leptochilus ornithopus T. Fujiw. & B.H. Quang; Sterculia konchurangensis C.N. Kieu, D.B.Tran & B.H.Quang; Ceriscoides glabra B.H.Quang, N.T.Cuong, T.D. Binh & Nuraliev; Hedyotis konhanungensis B.H. Quang, T.A. Le, K.S. Nguyen & Neupane and Meistera muriformis Škorničk. Four additional species have been discovered for the Vietnamese flora: Thelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching; Glochidion geoffrayi Beille; Lysimachia nutantiflora F.H. Chen & C.M. Hu; Hedyotis diversifolia E.T. Geddes.
- Applied results:
+ Project Based on the collected data, out of 2232 recorded species, the Project has listed 1010 valuable plant species, accounting for 45.25% of the species of the flora. Regarding the level of rarity, among the 2,232 species of vascular plants recorded in the Kon Ha Nung Highlands Biosphere Reserve, there are a total of 832 species of vascular plants that need to be conserved according to evaluation criteria. prices of Vietnam Red Book (2007), Decree No. 84/2021/ND-CP of the Government (2021), IUCN (2019).
+ Assessed the causes, threats and proposed measures to preserve the ecosystem and rare endemic plant species that are priority conservation. From there, we propose 6 groups of measures to conserve and sustainably use rare and valuable vascular plant species in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Latest update on the diversity of vascular plant species composition in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve (mostly evidenced through collected species).
- The topic has discovered: Discovered and announced 05 new species to the world and 04 additional species to the Vietnamese flora.
- The project has proposed 6 groups of measures to preserve and sustainably use rare and valuable vascular plants in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
- 01 Report analyzing the diversity of higher vascular plants and building a list of 2,232 species with fully updated scientific names and plant species distributed in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve.
- 01 Report on measures suitable to actual conditions and highly feasible, including maps of topography, vegetation, distribution points (scale 1/250,000) of some endemic plant species, rare and endangered, prioritized for conservation in Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve.
- 01 set of dried pressed plant specimens collected at Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve. Total 1,920 specimens (including 320 specimen numbers; 6 specimens/1 number).
- Article products: The project has published 07 articles, of which 05 articles are in journals list (SCIE), 01 article list SCOPUS category, 01 article in VAST2.
- Patents (list): No
- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place): No
- Other products (if applicable): No


Continue to investigate and research solutions to restore a number of rare and valuable plant populations with high economic value. Investigate and research specific taxon groups, especially species distributed in mountainous areas of Kon Ha Nung Biosphere Reserve.

Images of project
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