Project's information

Project's title Research to evaluate the phenomenon of phosphorus fixation in fluvisol soil in the Red River Delta and propose solutions to improve the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers in agricultural cultivation - The case of Thai Binh province
Project’s code VAST05.06/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Geography
Project leader’s name PhD. Nguyen Thi Thuy
Project duration 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2023
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Grade B
Goal and objectives of the project - Determining the existence forms and levels of phosphorus fixation in fluvisol soil of the Red River Delta;
- Proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers in agricultural cultivation.
Main results

- Theoretical results: 
The project analyzed and evaluated the physico-chemical and biological properties, content and composition of existing forms of P in 03 typical types of fluvisol soil in the Red River Delta collected in Thai Binh province, including: Eutric- neutral- not accreted Fluvisol (Pe), Dystric - not accreted Fluvisol (Pc) and Gleyic Fluvisol (Pg). Conducted 04 experiments under laboratory conditions to evaluate the phenomenon of P fixation through the adsorption mechanism in the studied fluvisol soils, including: (1) Effect of the drying - re-wetting process on the amount of P dissolved in soil, (2) Effect of P input on P adsorption capacity and P binding forms of soil, (3) Effect of pH on P adsorption capacity and P binding forms of soil, (4) Effect of temperature on P adsorption capacity and P binding forms of soil. Based on the results obtained, the project has proposed 05 solutions to improve the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer use in agricultural production on fluvisol soil in the Red River Delta in Thai Binh province, including: (1) Re-wetting fluvisol soils in dry conditions, (2) Adjust the amount of phosphate fertilizer to suit the P adsorption capacity of fluvisol soils, (3) Combine lime application to increase the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer in accordance with the fluvisol soils, (4) Adjust the amount of phosphate fertilizer according to season and environmental temperature to suit fluvisol soils, (5) Develop biological P fertilizer.
- Applied results: 
Research results of the project on proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer use in agricultural production on fluvisol soil in the Red River Delta in Thai Binh province are used in policy and strategic planning sustainable agricultural development for central and local agencies and in production for organizations and individuals investing in the agricultural sector.
Data set on morphological characteristics of soil profiles and analysis results physical,chemical and biological soil properties; Results of analysis and assessment of content and composition of existing forms of P in soil; The results of evaluating the P fixation phenomenon through the adsorption mechanism under the influence of different factors in fluvisol soils in the Red River Delta in Thai Binh province are documents and databases for research work and teaching on soil science, plant nutrition and the environment at research institutions and universities.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Assess the influence of dry - re-wetted conditions, additional phosphorus content, acidity and temperature on the adsorption capacity and existence forms of phosphorus in 3 types of fluvisol soils in the Red River Delta in the Thai Binh province.
- Proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer use in agricultural production on fluvisol soils in the Red River Delta in Thai Binh province, including: re-wetting fluvisol soils in dry conditions, adjusting the amount of phosphate fertilizer is suitable for the P adsorption capacity of fluvisol soils, combined with lime application to increase the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer suitable for fluvisol soils, adjusting the amount of phosphate fertilizer according to season and ambient temperature suitable for fluvisol soils and the development of biological P fertilizers.

Products of the project

- Published papers (list):
(1) Do Quang Trung, Luu The Anh, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Dinh Mai Van, Tran Thi Hang, Endophytic bacteria isolated from a weed plant as a potential biocontrol agent against stem and rot pathogen of pitaya in Viet Nam, Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control ISSN/eISSN: 1110-1768/2536-9342, (2021)31:106, SCI-E (Q2).
(2) Nguyen Thi Thuy, Luu The Anh, Do Quang Trung, Isolation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from root rhizosphere to supplement biofertilizer, Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 118/1, 1-8, Liubljana 2022, ISSN: 15819175, 18541941, Scopus/ISI (Q3).
- Technological products (product’s description, storage):

Images of project
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