Project's information

Project's title Development of adsorption methods for removing harmful gases (NH3, NO2, H2S, SO2) in aqueous media using modern adsorption compositions based on modified activated carbons, cationic forms of zeolites and metal-organic coordination polymers
Project’s code QTRU01.13/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Environmental Technology
Coordinating unit, co-chair Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Project leader’s name Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoai Chau
Project duration 01/06/2020 - 31/12/2022
Project’s budget 200 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Development of adsorption-catalysis method to remove NH3, NO2, H2S, SO2 gases in aqueous environment by new generation composite materials. Fabrication of minimally absorbent materials (maximum hydrophobic surface) with high selectivity for the mentioned gases.

Main results
- Manufacturing modern composite materials on the basis of modified activated carbon, cationic zeolite and metal-organic coordination polymers.
- Research and evaluate the morphological and structural characteristics of the synthesized materials.
- Evaluation of the ability of materials to remove toxic gases in the aquatic environment.
- Development of a method to measure the concentration of gases in water.
- Development of a method to study the adsorption of gases.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Development of a gas chromatographic method to measure the concentration of toxic gases in the aquatic environment
- Development of a method to study the adsorption capacity by gas pulse and static method in a hydrothermal vessel

Products of the project

- Publications:
- Efficient carbon adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide produced from sugar cane bagasse. Mendeleev Commun., 2022, 32, 828–830. DOI 10.1016/j.mencom.2022.11.040 (SCIE, Q3, IF = 1,8)
- On the adsorption mechanism of copper ions on bentonite clay. Russian Chemical Bulletin. No. 4, 71, pages 651–655 (2022). 
- Xử lý nước nhiễm ammoni bằng một số vật liệu trên mô hình hấp phụ động. Tạp chí phân tích Hóa, Lý và Sinh học. – Tập 27, số 1/2022
- Other products: Training of 01 MSc


On the basis of the achieved results of the task, the research team will propose to develop new topics related to the field of adsorption and catalysis materials with a number of research units of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The fields of cooperation are very promising and suitable for practice in Vietnam.

Images of project
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