Project's information

Project's title Research on optimizing a pilot-scale desalination system utilizing the forward osmosis (FO) process
Project’s code UDPTCN 01/2020-2022
Research hosting institution Center for Research and Technology Transfer
Project leader’s name Hoang Minh Tao
Project duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Project’s budget 700 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project
Research on the application of forward osmosis process, design and fabricate a pilot-scale desalination system utilizing the forward osmosis (FO) process to produce freshwater from wastewater, surface water, and seawater. 
Main results
- Technological results:
+ 01 patent filing related to the research content of the project, which was granted offical Patent Certificate by National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam - Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam (Patent for Invention No. 34745) in accordant to Decision No. 21820w/QĐ-SHTT  dated 19/12/2022.
- Theoretical results:
+ 02 scientific papers published on international journals indexed in the SCI-E international scientific journal index
+ 01 postgraduate student that had been assisted in, and successfully submitted their master thesis.
- Applied results:
+ 01 pilot-scale desalination system utilizing the forward osmosis (FO) process, which fully meeting the specifications as listed in the approved project proposal.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Determined several potential draw solutes for forward osmosis applications in general, and for desalination systems utilizing forward osmosis technology in particular.
- Fabricated and generally optimized a pilot-scale desalination system utilizing forward osmosis technology, with freshwater output higher than 10 L/h. Applied on the feed stream of brackish water collected from Ha Lan estuary (So river, Nam Dinh province), the output from such system would meet important parameters of freshwater for domestic uses per specified in Vietnam National Technical Regulation QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT.
- Established a Patent with contents of claims related to the research in this project. As of present, the patent filing was granted offical Patent Certificate by National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam - Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam (Patent for Invention No. 34745) in accordant to Decision No. 21820w/QĐ-SHTT  dated 19/12/2022.

Products of the project

- Patents:
+ 01 patent for invention with contents of claims related to the research in this project. As of present, the patent filing was granted offical Patent Certificate by National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam - Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam (Patent for Invention No. 34745) in accordant to Decision No. 21820w/QĐ-SHTT  dated 19/12/2022.
- Scientific papers in referred journals:
+ Quang Trung Nguyen, Minh Tao Hoang, Van Nhan Le, Ngoc Tung Nguyen, Truong Giang Le (2021) An initial study and potential application of maltodextrin as draw solution in forward osmosis process for desalination. Desalination and Water Treatment, 232, 26.
+ Quang Trung Nguyen, Minh Tao Hoang, Tuan Hung Trinh, Ngoc Tung Nguyen, Truong Giang Le (2022) Evaluation of polyvinylpyrrolidone as draw solute for desalination forward osmosis systems. Water Supply, 22(2), 1652.
- Technological products:
+ 01 pilot-scale desalination system utilizing forward osmosis technology, with freshwater output higher than 10 L/h. Applied on the feed stream of brackish water collected from Ha Lan estuary (So river, Nam Dinh province), the output from such system would meet important parameters of freshwater for domestic uses per specified in Vietnam National Technical Regulation QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT. (this product is being stored at Center for Research and Technology transfer, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
- Other products (if applicable):
+ 01 postgraduate student that had been assisted in, and successfully submitted their master thesis.

Images of project