Project's information
Project's title | Investigation of Leavitt path algebras partially by methods from commutative algebras and groups |
Project’s code | QTHU01.02-2021 |
Research hosting institution | Institute of Mathematics |
Project leader’s name | Tran Giang Nam |
Project duration | 01/06/2020 - 31/12/2022 |
Project’s budget | 200 million VND |
Classify | Excellent |
Goal and objectives of the project | The main goal is to study some open questions of Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras, by methods from commutative algebras and groups. The main problems to be considered are: |
Main results | - Theorerical results: For Problem 1, we give a survey about the classification of Leavitt path algebras and C*-algebras via K-theory and KK-theory. |
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results | We give many ways to construct irreducible representions of Leavitt path algebras associted with vertices via Cohn Leavitt path algebras, and give a universal method to construct irreducible representions of Leavitt path algebras associted pairs (c, f) consisting of simple closed paths c together with irreducible polynomials f. In particular, we give a new method to construct irreducible representions of Leavitt path algebras via their diagonal subalgebras. |
Products of the project | - Scientific papers in referred journals (list): |