Project's information

Project's title Preparation, study on characteristics, and properties of topcoat on the base of emulsion polymer having against heat, abrasion durability, microorganisms inhibition applied in construction and architectural field
Project’s code KHCBHH.01/20-22
Research hosting institution Institute for Tropical Technology
Project leader’s name Prof. Dr. Thai Hoang
Project duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Project’s budget 1,500 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Successful preparation of paint system on the base of emulsion polymer having microorganisms inhibition, abrasion durability, and against heat.
- Produce successfully technological production process of multifunctional paint system (microorganisms inhibition, abrasion durability, against heat).

Main results
- Theoretical results:
+ The suitable silane coupling agent was determined, namely 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate silane for surface modification of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs). The suitable content of silane coupling agents modified NPs was 3 wt.% (in comparison with nanoparticles weight). The organic modification contributed to enhancing nanoparticles' dispersibility in the polymer matrix (emulsion acrylic resin). As a result, properties (i.e. mechanical properties, weather durability, thermal stability, etc.) of the emulsion acrylic coating loaded modified NPs were better than those of either neat acrylic coating or acrylic coating filled with pristine NPs.
+ Synergistic effectiveness of organically modified TiO2 NPs (m-TiO2 NPs) and organically modified SiO2 NPs (m-SiO2 NPs) for acrylic coatings’ properties (i.e. abrasion resistance, solar reflectance, weather resistance, etc.) was clarified. The acrylic coating filled with 2 wt.% NPs (weight ratio of m-TiO2 NPs and m-SiO2 NPs = 7/3) had the best properties among investigated samples.
+ Synergistic effectiveness of organically modified NPs, Ag-Zn/zeolite (Irgaguard B 5000) inorganic antibacterial additive, organic antimicrobial additive (2-n-octyl-4-izothiazolin-3-one (OIT)) and nano Cu2O for antimicroorganisms activities of acrylic coating was investigated. Consequently, the coating could kill almost (99.99 %) bacteria strains, i.e. E.Coli and S.Aureus (the test was carried out according to TCVN 9064:2012) and no appearance of mold on coating’s surface after 28 days of culture (Severity level of 1 in accordance with TCVN 7699-2-10:2007). 
+ Successful preparation of emulsion acrylic coating met the technical requirement in accordance in TCVN 8652:2012 with high abrasion durability, good microorganism inhibition (killing 99.99% bacteria strains (E.Coli and S.Aureus), no appearance of mold on surface after 28 days of culture – severity level of 1 in accordance with TCVN 7699-2-10:2007), high cooling performance. This paint system could reduce surface temperature by 10 oC and inside temperature by 7.5 oC in comparison with outdoor grey waterproof paint (waterproof paint was prepared by incorporating cement with acrylic and styrene-acrylic solution).
- Applied results:
Produced successfully technological production process of multifunctional topcoat (microorganisms inhibition, abrasion durability, against heat) in pilot scale and technological production process of alkali resisting primer on the base of acrylic emulsion polymer being compatible with multifunctional topcoat in pilot scale.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results
- Successful preparation of multifunctional paint system (abrasion durability, microorganisms inhibition, against heat) on the base of acrylic emulsion polymer incorporation with m-TiO2 NPs, m-SiO2 NPs, antimicroorganism additives (Irgaguard B 5000 and OIT) and Cu2O NPs.
- Successful preparation of acrylic coating system could be used as ink for 3D printer device.
Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
1. Thuy-Chinh Nguyen, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Duc-Toan Vu, Duc-Phuong Dinh,Anh-Hiep Nguyen, Thi-Ngoc-Lien Ly, Phi-Hung Dao, Thi-Len Nguyen,Long-Giang Bach, and Hoang Thai - Modification of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles with 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl Methacrylate Silane Coupling Agent - Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2020, Article ID 1381407, 10 pages ( (SCIE, Q2, IF:3.241)
2. Phi Hung Dao, Tien Dung Nguyen, Thuy Chinh Nguyen, Anh Hiep Nguyen, Van Phuc Mac, Huu Trung Tran, Thi Lan Phung, Quoc Trung Vu, Dinh Hieu Vu, Thi Cam Quyen Ngo, Manh Cuong Vu, Vu Giang Nguyen, Dai Lam Tran, Hoang Thai - Assessment of some characteristics, properties of a novel waterborne acrylic coating incorporated TiO2 nanoparticles modified with silane coupling agent and Ag/Zn zeolite - Progress in Organic Coatings, 163 (2022) 106641 (Doi: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2021.106641) (SCI, Q1, IF: 6.129)
3. Nguyen Thuy Chinh, Dao Phi Hung, Nguyen Anh Hiep, Nguyen Xuan Thai, Thai Hoang - Effect of tri(methyoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate silane modified nanosilica on some properties acrylic coating - Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 59 (6A) (2021) 1-11 (doi:10.15625/2525-2518/59/6A/16160) (VAST2)
4. Nguyen Thuy Chinh, Tran Thi Mai, Dao Phi Hung, Nguyen Anh Hiep, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Tran Huu Trung, Nguyen Xuan Thai, Dao Huu Toan, Dinh Thi My Binh, Thai Hoang - Characteristics of organic titanate modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles and its dispersibility in acrylic emulsion coating – Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 60 (special issue) (2022), 116-124 (DOI: 10.1002/vjch.202200080) (VAST1, SCOPUS)
- Patents (list):
Thai Hoang, Nguyen Thuy Chinh, Nguyen Anh Hiep, Dao Phi Hung, Hoang Tran Dung, Le Trong Lu, Tran Dai Lam, Nguyen Vu Giang, Dinh Thi My Binh – The technological production process of topcoat based on acrylic emulsion polymer and the product of this procedure is used as ink for the 3D printer device – Patent registration was approved in accordance with decision number 8670w/QĐ-SHTT on 28 May 2021 and published on Official Gazettes of Industrial Property No. 400, Volume A, Issue 1 (Jul. 2021), paper 390.
- Technological products:
+ 0.5 kg organically modified SiO2 nanoparticles 
+ 0.5 kg organically modified TiO2 nanoparticles 
+ 50 kg Alkali resisting Primer which is compatible with topcoat having additives nanoscale.
+ 50 kg multifunctional topcoat (abrasion durability, against heat, inhibiting microorganisms)
- Other products:
+ 01 production procedure of alkali resisting Primer which is compatible with topcoat having additives nanoscale.
+ 01 production procedure of multifunctional topcoat (abrasion durability, against heat, inhibiting microorganisms)
+ Training: 02 master students (defended dissertation on scientific council) + 01 Ph.D. student doing a part of his thesis.

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