Project's information

Project's title The influence of external Mach waves on laminar-turbulent transition in a supersonic boundary layer
Project’s code QTRU01.01/20-21
Research hosting institution Graduate University of Science and Technology
Coordinating unit, co-chair Fundamental fund of Russian Federation
Project leader’s name Prof. Dr. Duong Ngoc Hai
Project duration 01/06/2020 - 30/06/2022
Project’s budget 200 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Study the Mach wave and influence of Mach wave on the laminar to turbulent flow transition in the supersonic boundary layer flow.

Main results

- The numerical simulation of the formation and propagation of Mach waves and the interaction of Mach waves with the supersonic boundary layer is implemented.
- The obtained simulation results have the high similarity with the experimental results published in prestigious journals. The results have confirmed that the simulation method developed by the team is highly reliable.
- The obtained research results also show that the Mach waves can push the transition from laminar to turbulent flow zone farther, and it could lead to increase the flying objects aerodynamic quality and reduce the drag force.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- The first time the Mach wave simulation results are obtained by the direct simulation method.
- The obtained results confirm that the Mach wave (N wave) does not cause the transition from the laminar to the turbulent flows, but it could push the transition zone farther and increas the aerodynamic quality of the flying objects.

Products of the project

- Publications: 04.
1. Dương Ngọc Hải, Nguyễn Quang Thái,  Đinh Hoàng Quân, “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của hình dạng đến độ chính xác của một số mô hình tính toán dòng chảy có khoang hơi xung quanh vật thể”, TT Công trình Hội nghị Cơ học Thủy khí Toàn quốc Lần 23, ISBN: 978-604-334-753-1, 2020, tr.172-181.
2. Đinh Hoàng Quân, Dương Đề Tài, Dương Ngọc Hải, “Phương pháp mô phỏng sóng Mach sinh ra bởi gờ nhám trên bề mặt ống thổi siêu thanh”. TT Công trình Hội nghị Cơ học Thủy khí Toàn quốc Lần 23, ISBN: 978-604-334-753-1, 2020, tr.466-473.
3. I.V. Egorov, N. H. Duong, N. C. Nguyen, and N. V. Palchekovskaya. Numerical Simulation of the Influence of a Mach Wave on the Laminar Turbulent Transition in a Supersonic Boundary Layer. ISSN 1028-3358, Doklady Physics, 2022, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp.144–147. 
4. Hoang Quan Dinh, Anh Tuan Nguyen, I.V. Egorov, Ngoc Hai Duong. The study of Mach waves generated by a roughness element. International J. Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2022, Vol.23, No.3, pp.511-520. 
- Education: 03 engineers


The  Mach wave and the influence of Mach wave on the laminar to turbulent flow transition in the supersonic boundary layer flows are the modern research topics promising the new technology and application  in many areas. The research team has the request to continue the project in the next phase (Phase 2) to develop and expand the research results and strengthen the cooperation with Russian partners in the field.

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