Project's information

Project's title Commerce development of LED bulb cooled by liquid convection using in cilvil lighting.
Project’s code UDSPTM.01/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Materials Science
Coordinating unit, co-chair HALEDCO Technology and Commerce Promotion limited liability company
Project leader’s name Dr. Bui Hung Thang
Project duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 1,100 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Manufacturing and commerce LED bulb cooled by liquid convection using in cilvil lighting.
Completing technology processes, implementing trial production test and commercing LED bulb 5W-20W cooled by liquid convection using in cilvil lighting, registering product trade-mark and patents related to project’s results.

Products of the project

- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place): 3.500 LED bulbs cooled by liquid convection (in which 3.150 products were handed-over to the company for trading, 350 products were handed-over to Institute of Material science for further researches): power 5W-24W, lighting efficiency > 100 1m/W, color rendering index >70, temperature between LED chip and cooling support ≤ 58oC, product life ≥ 40.000 hours (based on tempertaure investigation method and theoretical calculation). Revenue from commercing by company is 218,169 million dongs.
-    Patents (list):
+ 02 approved patents registerations of LED bulb cooled by liquid convection.
+ 01 approved trade-mark registeration and official gazetted.
-    Other products (if applicable):
+ 02 articles published in internation magazines.
+ 01 report at IWAMS 2021 conference.

Research area

Phuong Anh Science and Technology limited liability company, Time Gold Advertising and Trading. limited liability company, Minh Quang Science and Technology limited liability company.


After 02 years of experiment, the project members achieved goals and objectives of the project, completed products as registered including 02 articles published in internation magazines, 02 approved patents registerations, 01 gazetted trade-mark, 01 report at IWAMS 2021 conference. The project members sincerely thank to Board of Technology Applying and Implementing, Institute of Sciene and Technology Vietnam, Institute of Material science and professors, partners for supporting the project members in executing and completing all goals, objectives and contents of the project.

Images of project