Project's information
Project's title | Study and synthesis nano structure 2D transition metal dichalcogenides electrocatayst for hydrogen evolution reaction of Electrochemical water splitting |
Project’s code | GUST.STS.ĐT2020-KHVL10 |
Research hosting institution | Graduate University of Science and Technology |
Project leader’s name | Dr. Bui Thi Hoa |
Project duration | 01/09/2020 - 30/09/2022 |
Project’s budget | 408 million VND |
Classify | Excellent |
Goal and objectives of the project | - Study, synthesis and characterizations of nano structured transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) materials , typically molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) |
Main results | Theoretical results: The Project demonstrates that graphene was successfully in-situ formed and integrated into the interlayer spacing of MoS2 synthesized via a solvothermal reaction containing Mo, S, and C source-precursor and subsequently annealing the as-synthesized MoS2 at 800 oC for 2 hours in an inert atmosphere. XRD and HR-TEM revealed that the integrated graphene expanded the width of MoS2 interlayers, thereby exposing a high concentration of HER active edge sites of MoS2. As a result, compared to the as-synthesized MoS2-catalyst, the resulting hybrid MoS2@Gr-catalyst demonstrated a high HER performance in acidic and alkaline electrolytes. The improved HER performance of the MoS2@Gr can be attributed to the synergic characteristics of the integrated graphene and the expanded interlayered spacing of MoS2. In addition, the MoS2@Gr-catalyst demonstrated long-term electrochemical endurance against HER in both acidic and alkaline electrolytes.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results | The results of this study suggest a method for synthesizing 2D TMDs materials by simple methods that are safe and have the potential to scale up mass production for easy scaling up for practical applications. |
Products of the project | - Scientific papers in referred journals (list): |
Images of project | |