Project's information

Project's title Study and synthesis nano structure 2D transition metal dichalcogenides electrocatayst for hydrogen evolution reaction of Electrochemical water splitting
Project’s code GUST.STS.ĐT2020-KHVL10
Research hosting institution Graduate University of Science and Technology
Project leader’s name Dr. Bui Thi Hoa
Project duration 01/09/2020 - 30/09/2022
Project’s budget 408 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Study, synthesis and characterizations of nano structured transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) materials , typically molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)
- The synthesized  nano structure 2D transition metal dichalcogenides materials are applied as electrocatayst for hydrogen evolution reaction of Electrochemical water splitting, in order to replace expensive commercial catalysts.

Main results

Theoretical results: The Project demonstrates that graphene was successfully in-situ formed and integrated into the interlayer spacing of MoS2 synthesized via a solvothermal reaction containing Mo, S, and C source-precursor and subsequently annealing the as-synthesized MoS2 at 800 oC for 2 hours in an inert atmosphere. XRD and HR-TEM revealed that the integrated graphene expanded the width of MoS2 interlayers, thereby exposing a high concentration of HER active edge sites of MoS2. As a result, compared to the as-synthesized MoS2-catalyst, the resulting hybrid MoS2@Gr-catalyst demonstrated a high HER performance in acidic and alkaline electrolytes. The improved HER performance of the MoS2@Gr can be attributed to the synergic characteristics of the integrated graphene and the expanded interlayered spacing of MoS2. In addition, the MoS2@Gr-catalyst demonstrated long-term electrochemical endurance against HER in both acidic and alkaline electrolytes.
Applied results: This work is believed to provide an advanced strategy to synthesize hybrid 2D nanostructured materials with an efficient water-splitting catalytic performance in both acidic and alkaline electrolytes.


Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

The results of this study suggest a method for synthesizing 2D TMDs materials by simple methods that are safe and have the potential to scale up mass production for easy scaling up for practical applications.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
+ 02 SCIE international journals
•    01 manuscipt published on Journal of Materials Science-IF=4.7 . “In-situ formation and integration of graphene into MoS2 interlayer spacing: expansion of interlayer spacing for superior hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic and alkaline electrolyte” Hoa Thi Bui , Do Chi Linh, Lam Duc Nguyen, Khuyen Xuan Bui, HyungIl Chang, Supriya A. Patil,Nabeen K. Shrestha,Tung Son Bui, Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen,Sung Hwan Han, Nguyen Thanh Tung , and Pham Thy San; Journal of Materials Science volume 57, pages18993–19005 (2022)
•    01 manuscipt published International Journal of Energy Research (IF=5.16): “Solvent modulated self-assembled VS2 layered microstructure for electrocatalytic water and urea decomposition” Supriya A. Patil,Nabeen K. Shrestha,Hoa Thi Bui,Vijay D. Chavan,Deok-kee Kim,Shoyebmohamad F. Shaikh,Mohd Ubaidullah,Hyungsang Kim,Hyunsik Im. Int J Energy Res. 2022; 46( 6): 8413- 8423.
+ 01 Prestigious domestic journal:
•    01 manuscipt published on Journal of Millitary of Science and Technology (JMST):“Synthesis and characterization of in-situ MoS2-graphene hybrid nanostructured material”. Bui Thi Hoa, Nguyen Duc Lam, Bui Xuan Khuyen, Bui Son Tung, Man Hoai Nam, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Do Chi Linh, Duong Thi Huong, Pham Thi San. DOI:
- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place): 01 report describing the synthesized MoS2 material
- Other products (if applicable):01 Ph.D student -supporting education.

Images of project