Project's information

Project's title Assessing research about aquifers’ quality and quantity of Ninh Thuan province for serving groundwater resources management in the context of drought and climate change
Project’s code KHCBTĐ.01/19-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Marine Environment and Resources
Project leader’s name Ph.D. Trinh Hoai Thu
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 1,500 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

- Clarify the current status, causes, and zoning of salt-fresh aquifers in the study area.
- Use the predicted model of aquifers’ reserves to exploit groundwater in the study area.
- Propose solutions for rational exploitation, use, and protection of water resources for sustainable socio-economic development.

Main results

Theoretical results:
- To supplement and update the project data (including data from water sampling in the investigation field)
- To clarify the status of pollution and saltwater intrusion in 2 aquifers Holocene (qh) and Pleistocene (qp) by zoning areas of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Nitrite (NO2), metals (Fe, Mn, etc.), Fluoride (F),  TDS and Clorua having high and low content in the study area.
Applied results:
- Assessing water by WQI method reflects components influencing different parameters of water quality, which have the meaning of building distribution current status of pollution and saltwater intrusion in aquifers qh and qp.
- Constructed predicted model for groundwater reserves to calculate the exploited quantity of aquifers in Ninh Thuan area.
- Establishing a zoning map for sustainable exploitation of groundwater in the study area, scale 1:100.000
- Determining the optimal groundwater exploitation over time; designing well to minimize upconing.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Establish a map of the current status for pollution and saltwater intrusion in 2 aquifers Holocene(qh) and Pleistocene (qp) by the WQI method.
- Calculate the potential exploiting reserves to propose a safe exploitation plan for the aquifers.
- Build a zoning map for sustainable exploitation scale 1:100.000 for aquifers.
- Utilize the upconing model to select the most suitable circular horizontal well to minimize saltwater intrusion into the water extraction structure.

Products of the project

- Published paper (listing below):
•    International Journals:
1.    Nguyen Van Hoang, Trinh Hoai Thu, Renat Shakirov, Tran Thi Thuy Huong, and Nadezhda Syrbu (2022), “Infiltration modelling for estimation of potential groundwater recharge from rainfall for arid coastal plain of Ninh Thuan province”. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences (RJES), Vol 22, ES100.
•    National Journals
1. Trinh Hoai Thu, Tran Thi Thuy Huong, Le Thi Phuong Quynh, Vu Le Phuong, Le Duc Anh, Mai Duc Dong (2021), “Groundwater quality evaluation using Water Quality Index and GIS technique for the Holocene and Pleistocene aquifers in the coastal zone of Ninh Thuan province”. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, ISSN (print): 1859-3097.  Vol. 21 No. 2.

* Reference book
-    Nguyễn Văn Hoàng, Trịnh Hoài Thu (2020). Tài nguyên Nước dưới đất, Mô hình chuyển động và lan truyền NDĐ tỉnh Cà Mau. NXB Khoa học Tự nhiên và Công nghệ. 350 trang. ISBN: 978-604-913-938-3.
-    Specific products (product description and storage location)
+ The data set of the groundwater survey sample
+ Distribution map of current status for pollution and saltwater intrusion in aquifers in the study area, scale 1:100.000
+ Predicted model for groundwater reserves in the study area
+ Zoning map of groundwater sustainable exploitation in the study are, scale 1:100.000
+ Solutions to exploitation and use of groundwater resources in the study area.
- Other products (if applicable)
•    Training: successfully guided 01 Master’s student in the Faculty of Science, VNU-University of Science in 2020.

Research region

Department of Natural Resource and Environment of Ninh Thuan province.

Images of project