Project's information

Project's title Study on feature of surface saline muds from southwestern sub-basin of the East Vietnam Sea
Project’s code VAST05.03/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Geological Sciences
Project leader’s name Le Duc Luong
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Clarify geochemical, mineralogical and technical features of surface saline mud from southwestern sub-basin of the East Vietnam Sea and their application.

Main results

Theoretical results:
- Twenty mud samples in 8 gravity cores taken from the southwestern sub-basin East Vietnam Sea were treated for analysis of grain size, inorganic and organic geochemical and physicochemical parameters to assess the use of mud samples as peloids and rare earth elements potential as well as the provenance of sediment at the studied area.
- Based on interpretation of results of trace elements, mineralogy and isotopic composition, the mud samples were proved to have continental provenance, and Mekong river-derived sedimentary material appear to have main contribution.
Applied results:
Studied results revealed that micro-grained mud samples are very suitable for peloids, accept the case of samples of core LV88-12GC which relate to hydrothermal activity-derived sulfur-rich compound.
Mud samples have the total amount of rare earth elements in range of 241,37 to 412,92 ppm. This result suggests the applicability of mud samples for rare earth element exploitation at the studied area.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Assessing the applicability of mud samples from the southwestern sub-basin East Vietnam Sea
- Establishing the dataset regarding to mud samples from the southwestern sub-basin East Vietnam Sea.

Products of the project

Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
- Le Duc Luong, Anatoly Obzhirov, Nguyen Hoang, Renat B. Shakirov, Le Duc Anh, Nadezhda Syrbu, Dang Minh Tuan, Nguyen Van Tao, Tran Thi Huong, Do Huy Cuong, Kholmogorov Andrei, Phan Van Binh, Mishukova Olga, A.I. Eskova, 2021. Distribution of Gases in Bottom sediments of the Southwestern Sub-Basin South China Sea (Bien Dong). Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 15, 2, 144-154. ISSN: 1819 – 7140. DOI: 10.1134/S1819714021020044.
- Le Duc Luong, Nguyen Hoang, Ryuichi Shinjo, Renat B. Shakirov, Anatoly Obzhirov, 2021. Chemical, mineralogical, and physicochemical features of surface saline muds from southwestern sub-basin of the East Vietnam Sea: Implication for new peloids. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 43, 4, 496-508. ISSN: 0866-7187.
- Monograph: Geologic-geophysical and oceanographic research of the western South China sea and adjacent continent (on results of the RV “Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev” cruise 88 and coastal surveys 2010-2020). Chief ed. R.B. Shakirov, eds. M.G. Valitov, N.S. Lee, Nguyen Hoang, Phung Van Phach - Moscow: GEOS, 2022. Contributed papers in the monograph:
+ Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the western part of the South China Sea
(V.V. Sattarova, K.I. Aksentov, Le Duc Luong, R.B. Shakirov, M.V. Ivanov,A.A. Legkodimov)
+ Specifications of the bottom sediments of the South China Sea as peloids
(Le Duc Luong, Nguyen Hoang, Ryuichi Shinjo, R.B. Shakirov, A.I. Obzhirov,A.O. Kholmogorov, M.V. Shakirova)
+ Basalt volcanism of the Vietnamese shelf and mineral inclusions in basalts in connection with the geodynamics of Southeast Asia
(Nguyen Hoang, Tran Thi Huong, R.B. Shakirov, Le Duc Luong, Le Duc Anh, A.O. Kholmogorov)
+ Gasgeochemical fields in sediments
(R.B. Shakirov, A.A. Legkodimov, A.I. Obzhirov, Le Duc Luong, D.A. Shvalov, N.S. Syrbu)
+ Distribution of hydrocarbon gases and hydrocarbon potential of the Southwestern sub-basin of the South China Sea
(Le Duc Luong, A.I. Obzhirov, N.S. Syrbu, R.B. Shakirov, A.A. Legkodimov)
Technological products:
- Final report and Appendix
- Research and technological development product:
+ Report on applicability  assessment of mud samples from the southwestern sub-basin East Vietnam Sea
+ Dataset include: material regarding mud samples from the southwestern sub-basin East Vietnam Sea and analytical result (CD).

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