Project's information

Project's title Manufacture of clinic wastewater treatment equipment to improve water quality
Project’s code UDSPTM.04/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Environmental Technology
Coordinating unit, co-chair DUC AN ENVITECH CO., LTD.
Project leader’s name MSc. Hoang Thi Thu Hang
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

Specific objectives:
- Successfully manufactured 03 products of clinic wastewater treatment equipment with a capacity of 200L/day; 500L/day and 1000L/day by the combination of the Anoxic and Oxic technology.
- Output wastewater of clinic wastewater treatment equipment meets QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT column B.
- Commercializing and selling Clinic wastewater treatment equipment products to the right consumers, more specifically, private clinics with the suitable wastewater volume with the designed capacity in the description.
Long-term objectives:
- Manufacturing and supplying to medical field with the Clinic wastewater processing equipments.
- Reduce the pollutant load for the surface water. To create domestic products with high applicability in the field of environment.

Products of the project

- Commercialized products:
+ 03 products of clinic wastewater treatment equipment with a capacity of 200L/day; 00L/day and 1000L/day;
+ Sold 2 equipments with the capacity of 200L/day;
+ In stock: 1 equipment with the capacity of 1000L/ng.d located at Duc An Environmental Technology Lld. Co.
- Products announced: 01 written acceptance of industrial design applications.
- Other products: General reports, technical design drawings, user manuals, analysis results of water samples.

Research region

- Dr. Le Ba Thao, Private Clinic; Address: TDP Dai Mo Tower, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi. Phone No.: 0973578185
- HTC Vietnam Environment-Technology equipments LLD. Co. Address: 22A/1150/1 Lang Road, Lang Thuong Ward, Dong Da, Hanoi. Phone No.: 0968099310

Images of project