Project's information

Project's title Development of profiling method for foods originated from several plants of Viet Nam
Project’s code TĐNDTP.01/19-21
Project leader’s name Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Trung
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 11,000 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

-    Develop profiling datasets of foods originated several plants of Viet Nam, aiming to identify low-quality food and determine food alduteration.
-    Research and apply Information Technology on storage and management of food information.

Main results

-    Theoretical results:
•    A set of 9 analytical procedures for nutrient compositions in cereal and its derived products, including the folowing parameters: protein, lipid, carbonhydrates, ash, minerals, vitamins, isoflavones, fatty acids and some metallic compounds (mercuric compounds, arsenic compounds,…)
•    A dataset of several nutrient profiles of food products including: fried corn, corn silk extract, moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) and stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. augustana)
•    A classification of species and geographic origins of Glycine max and Zea mays subsp. Mays via Chemometrics or Multivariate Statistic Analysis (MSA) was achieved.
+ In comparison to Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA), Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are the more efficient Multivariate Statistic techniques to process data from analytical instruments.
+ Based on the data obtained from customary instruments such as FTIR, ICP-MS and GC-MS, MSA has identified small geographical regions (degree of province) of Glycine max and Zea mays subsp. Mays. Province is also the smallest level of geography that MSA can identify.
+ Especially, thanks to the stability of ICP-MS instrument and via a data analysis software - Weka, the correctness of MSA was assessed and achieved over 95%.
-    Applied results:
•    Orichain - a food traceability application on smart mobile device - built on chemical datasets of food, Block Chain technology and Machine learning algorithm was developed.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Integration of Chemometrics and Block chain technology on food traceability system.

Products of the project

-    Scientific papers in referred journals (list):

International publications of SCIE/ISI system

1. Trung NQ*, Minh BQ, Minh TN. Rapid Identification of Geographical Origin of Commercial Soybean Marketed in Vietnam by ICP-MS. J. Anal. Methods Chem. 2021, 2021: 5583860.

2. Trung NQ*, Giang DH, Minh TN. Multielement Analysis of Pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinen-sis) by ICP-MS and Their Classification according to Different Small Geographical. J. Anal. Methods Chem. 2021, 2021: 8860852.

Domestic publications

1. Trung NQ*, Minh BQ, Anh LV và Minh TN. Ứng dụng quang phổ hồng ngoại (FTIR) kết hợp với phân tích thống kê đa biến trong việc phân loại các sản phẩm hồ tiêu Việt Nam. TCPT Hóa, Lý và Sinh học. 2021, 26(3A): 12-17.

2. Trung NQ*, Minh BQ, Huyền TTT và Minh TN. Nghiên cứu sử dụng kỹ thuật quang phổ ATR-FTIR và thống kê đa biến nhằm phân loại sản phẩm vừng tại Việt Nam. TCPT Hóa, Lý và Sinh học. 2021, 26(3B): 5-10.

3. Nhân LV*, Tùng NN và Trung NQ. Phân tích đồng thời các chất kích thích sinh trưởng thực vật cytokinin trong rau xanh. Vietnam J. Chem. 2020, 58(6E12): 16-20.

-    Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):
•    09 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of nutrient analysis in cereal
•    01 food composition report of Corn silk, fried corn, moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) and stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. augustana)
-    Other products (if applicable):
•    Training: Assist in training 01 Master (major of Analytical Chemistry) and 01 Ph.D (major of Food Technology)

Images of project