Project's information

Project's title The absorption of terahertz radiation by two-dimensional hybridized meta-surfaces for nano-plasmonics devices
Project’s code QTBY01.01/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Materials Science
Coordinating unit, co-chair Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Project leader’s name Nguyen Thanh Tung
Project duration 01/04/2020 - 30/04/2022
Project’s budget 200 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Identify the THz absorption mechanism and characteristics of 2D hybdirized metasurfaces using the computational method;
- Propose the optimal design for 2D hybridized metasurfaces that can ommidirectionally absorb the THz waves in comparison with conventional 2D metasurfaces;
- Identify the sensitivity of plasmonic propertieis towards the change of analytes surrounding the metasurface structure using  the computational method for applications in nano-plasmonic devices.

Main results

For research output, the finding results provided a deeper insight into some fundamental questions of improving the operation of metasurface absorbers at the transmission mode, and new understanding about the physical properties of this absorption materials. The main results have been published in 01 SCIE article, 02 national-journal articles, and contributed to the training of 02 PhD students.
The project also promoted further research on fabricating THz metasurfaces using clean-room facilities equipped at Institute of Materials Science (UV-laser lithography, magnetron sputtering...). Based on the finding results, the Vietnamese research group has developed a new proposal relating metamaterial-based IR-sensor, which has been granted by the Vietnam National Development Program of Physics in 2021 (Dr. Bui Xuan Khuyen in PI role), marking an important milestone in the research and applications of  metasurfaces in Vietnam.
As a side note, the project also open new collaboration and strengthen the existing ones between Vietnam and Belarusian team, for example:
- Establishing 3-sides collaboration (Vietnam, Belarus, and Belgium): Dr. Alexander Danilyuk and Dr. Viktor Stempitsky from Belarus open new collaboration with the research group of Prof Ewald Janssens from KU Leuven, Belgium to initiate some experiments for verifying the Belarusian theoretical model.
- Extending the Vietnam-Belarus collaboration: Dr. Alexander Danilyuk and Dr. Viktor Stempitsky from Belarus established a new collaboration with the research group of Dr. Lê Minh Thùy from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam to develop an energy harvesting device using metasurface absorber.
- Devloping the collabroation on research and education between Vietnam-Belgium: Assoc. Prof. Nguyễn Thanh Tùng and Prof. Ewald Janssens from KU Leuven, Belgium developed the results on dynamics of photon-metasurfaces interaction at THz frequencies in the current project to a new bilateral project funded by KU Leuven since 2022 with a new PhD student Phạm Thế Linh (, 1/2022-1/2026).

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Identified the THz absorption mechanism and characteristics of 2D hybdirized metasurfaces using the computational method;
- Proposed an optimal design for 2D hybridized metasurfaces that can ommidirectionally absorb the THz waves in comparison with conventional 2D metasurfaces.

Products of the project

- Publications in SCIE journals: 01
Graphene-integrated hybridized metamaterials for wide-angle tunable infrared absorber, D. Q. Minh, T. V. Huynh, B. X. Khuyen, B. S. Tung, S. T. Ngo, V. D. Lam, M. T. Le, and N. T. Tung, Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications 45, 100924 (2021). (SCIE, IF 3.08)
- Publications in national journals: 02
Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của graphene lên tính chất điện của siêu vật liệu metamaterials ở tần số THz, Trần Văn Huỳnh, Vũ Đình Lãm, Nguyễn Thanh Tùng, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ quân sự, số Đặc san Hội nghị FEE 10-2020, 196 (2020).
Nghiên cứu thiết kế siêu vật liệu hấp thụ hai chiều hoạt động ở vùng tần số THz và ứng dụng trong cảm biến chiết suất, Trần Văn Huỳnh, Vũ Đình Lãm, Lê Thị Hồng Hiệp, Nguyễn Thanh Tùng, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ quân sự 78, 140 (2022).
- Presentation at conferences: 03
THz smart absorption window in the transmission mode using graphene-metamaterials, T. V. Huynh, M. Q. Dinh, B. X. Khuyen, B. S. Tung, V. D. Lam, S. T. Ngo, M. T. Le, N. T. Tung, M. S. Baranava, A. Danilyuk, and V. R. Stempitsky, Poster MEP-P12, The 10th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN 2021) - Hanoi, Vietnam, November 4-6, 2021
THz plasmonic metamaterials integrated with 2D materials for quasi-omnidirectional tunable absorbers, M. Q. Dinh, M. T. Le, T. V. Huynh, V. D. Lam, N. T. Mai, N. T. Tung, M. S. Baranava, A. Danilyuk, and V. R. Stempitsky, Poster NMD-P60, The 10th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN 2021) - Hanoi, Vietnam, November 4-6, 2021
Magnetic anisotropy energy of CrGeХ3 (X=Te, Se, S), M. S. Baranava, V. R. Stempitsky, B. X. Khuyen, T. V. Huynh, B. S. Tung, N. T. Mai, and N. T. Tung, Poster NMD-P59, The 10th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN 2021) - Hanoi, Vietnam, November 4-6, 2021
- Other products: training 02 PhD students (Tran Van Huynh and Pham Duy Tan)


During the period from 04/2020 to 04/2022, two research groups successfully achieved all of the project’s aims and targets as well as all products as committed in the approved proposal. Also in this period, the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 and its variants is rapidly and unpredictably evolving not only in Vietnam and Belarus but also many other countries in the world. A couple of our important collaboration activities has been changed, rescheduled, and even cancelled, affecting considerably to the deployment of the project. Fortunately, under the management of International Cooperation Deparment (VAST) and our best effort, the bilateral project has been completed successfully with good results as expected.
The project results contributed to the development of the picture in science and technology collaboration between Vietnam and Belarus for establishing and promoting knowledge, understanding of fundamental science in general and electromagnetic energy, materials science in particular. Taking this occasion, our research group would present a deepest thank to the International Cooperation Department, the Finance and Planning Department, and Institute of Materials Science for their valuable helps in order to achieve all the targets and research requirements of the project.

Images of project