Project's information

Project's title Marine environment monitoring in the Central part of Vietnam, 2021
Project’s code SNMTTX.02/21-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Mechanics
Project leader’s name PhD. Pham Thi Minh Hanh
Project duration 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 1,700 million VND
Classify Pass
Goal and objectives of the project

-    Monitoring of three environmental components: marine water, sediment and organisms (plankton and benthos) in the central region coastal areas from Quang Binh to Binh Dinh provinces to detect the environmental quality changing and pollution. On the basis of the monitoring data, the envỉonmental degradation warnings can be made. Therefore its will contribute to marine environment pollution control and prevention;
-    Meeting the demand for information on the quality of Vietnam's coastal marine environment..

Main results

Scientific results: Coastal marine environment quality data including physical-chemical parameters; nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients; heavy metals and cyanide; coliform; oil; PCBs, PAHs, pesticides, planktons, benthos and sediment grain size from three sampling campains conducted in March, May, September and December of 2021 at 9 sampling sites along the coast line from Quang Binh to Binh Dinh province, including Deo Ngang, Dong Hoi, Con Co, Cua Viet, Thuan An, Da Nang, Dung Quat, Sa Huynh and Quy Nhon.
The book “Environental monitoring results in the Central coast of Vietnam, 2020”, 50  books, Publishing House for Science and Technology, 200pp. ISBN: 978-604-9988-80-6.
Applied results: Monitoring data would be helpful for managers of Pollution Control Department (Vietnam Environment Administration) and the related provinces for assessment the environmental quality status and timely warning about environmental pollution in the Central part of Vietnam.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

A new data set on coastal marine environment quality of the Central part of Vietnam in 2020.

Products of the project

Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):
+     Technological products: 04 Monitoring reports for 4 sampling campains and Summary report of 2021. Storing place: Center for Scientific Information, Department of Planning and Finance and  Institute of Mechanics (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology); Centre for Environmental Monitoring (Vietnam Environment Administration).
+     50 books title: “Environental monitoring results in the Central coast of Vietnam, 2020”. Center for Scientific Information, Department of Planning and Finance, Institute of Mechanics and other related institutes of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.


-    Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTNMT replacing Circular No. 24/2017/TT-BTNMT has some new regulations on parameters and frequency of monitoring. appropriate adjustments for the performance of tasks in the following years. Therefore, we recommend VAST allow us  to make appropriate adjustments for the monitoring programe in the following years.
-    For the Central region, the existed monitoring sites are still very sparse, most of provinces have only one site. Among them Ha Tinh province has only a sie which is at the adjacent area between Ha Tinh and Quang Binh province. Therefore, it is recommended to add up the number of monitoring sites in order to increase the representativeness of the monitoring results.
-    There is a shortcoming in allocating budget items according to the Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BTC dated January 6, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance guiding on the expenditure management for environmental activity. In particular, the sample analysis price is too low since the labol is not allow to take into account. In addition, there is no wage for technical reports of different expertise (biology, chemistry, oceanography...) while they are critical for the final report. Therefore, we recommend a specific mechanism for VAST (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) monitoring stations, in which the expenses should be allocate according to VAST regulations to more effectively facilitate of the coastal marine environment monitoring.

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