Project's information

Project's title Development of the near-field and far-field tsunami scenarios for earthquake information and tsunami warning purposes
Project’s code VAST06.02/18-19
Research hosting institution Institute of Geophysics
Project leader’s name Msc. Pham The Truyen
Project duration 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Development of the near-field and far-field tsunami scenarios for earthquake information and tsunami warning purposes
- Capacity building for Earthquake Information and Tsunami Warning Center, Institute of Geophysics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology


Main results

Theoretical results:
- Built a background database for the study area.
- Built a 1002 tsunami scenarios database;
- Built a pre-calculated tsunami scenarios database and a DSS for tsunami early warning;
- Proposed tsunami response plans for coastal communities and appropriate prevention solutions.
Applied results:
- The digital databases built within the framework of the topic are good sources for further research. In particular, the pre-calculated tsunami scenarios database will be used in the tsunami early warning in Vietnam.


Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Established a unified scaling law for earthquakes in Vietnam for both long-term and short-term seismic activities, allowing to link both Gutenberg-Richter's law, the Omori's law decay of triggered earthquakes and the fractal dimension faults.
- Determining the lower bound magnitude value M = 4.0 is suitable for assessing seismic hazards in Vietnam.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):

  1. Hong Phuong Nguyen, The Truyen Pham, Ta Nam Nguyen, 2019. Investigation of long-term and short-term seismicity in Vietnam. Journal of Seismology, Doi: 10.1007/s10950-019-09846-x  (SCI-E)
  2. Nguyen Hong Phuong, Bui Cong Que, Vu Van Phong, Pham The Truyen, 2020.  Scenario-based Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the coast of Vietnam from the 1090 Meridian fault zone. Vietnam journal of Marine Science and Technology. Vol 21, No 4; 2021: 445–466 (VAST2).

- Other products (if applicable):
+ Project summary reports.

Research area

Center for Earthquake information and Tsunami Early Warning, Institute of Geophysics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.


 In the framework of the research project, it only stops at assessing the tsunami hazard based on scenarios, or in other words, this is a deterministic approach in tsunami research. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on tsunami hazard assessment by the probabilistic method to have a comprehensive view of the tsunami hazard in Vietnam. The next step is to conduct a tsunami risk assessment and zoning for response and damage mitigation.

Images of project