Project's information

Project's title Fabrication, characteristic, applicability of low canxi fly ash and NaOH – Na2OnSiO2. alkalin activator based geopolymer concrete
Project’s code VAST03.06/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Materials Science
Project leader’s name Le Tuan Minh
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

Using suitably industry waste and by-product to apply for geopolymer concrete. In clude:
- Using NaOH in domestic market or Tay Nguyen red mud.
- Sodium silicate is produced by water glass company or by-products of Japanese zircon carbide company.
- Fly ash is by-product of the thermal power plants.
- Blast furnace slag is provided by steel making plants.
Fabrication geopolymer concrete with high compressive strength (10 – 50 MPa) and self interlock geopolymer concrete blocks for seadike constructions.

Main results

Scientific results:
- Investigating influence of water glass/NaOH ratios to compressive strength of geopolymer concrete.
- Investigating influence of Duyen Hai’s fly ash/Hoa Phat steelmaking plants’ blast furnace slag to permeability and sulphate resistant.
- We have published 01 paper on Vietnam Science and Technology journal, filed 01 patent.
Applied results:
Designing and fabricating 07 self interlock geopolymer concrete blocks, abiding TCVN 9901:2014 and 14 TCN 63:2002 standards.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- This might be the first time Duyen Hai 1 thermal power plants’ fly ash and Hoa Phat steelmaking plants’ blast furnace slag are applied for geopolymer concrete fabrications.
- Some results in fly ash and silicafume based geopolymer concrete fabrication.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
01 paper has been published in Vietnam Science and Technology Journal (ISSN No. 2525-2518): Le Tuan Minh, Nguyen Thanh Ha, Nguyen Anh Minh, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Applications of the 1.245-MW Duyen Hai -1’s Fly ash and Hoa Phat steelmaking plant’s Blast furnace slag in Geopolymer concrete fabrication, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 59 (6) (2021).
- Patents (list):
01 patent filling: procedure for fabrication of  fly ash and blast furnace slad based geopolymer concrete with high  compressive strenght (accepted for consideration by National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam, Decision No. 11786w/QĐ-SHTT date 17 August 2020)
- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):
+ 01 procedure of Duyen Hai thermal power plant’s fly ash treatments.
+ 01 Solution for fly ash and alkaline activator geopolymer concrete fabrications.
+ 01 model discription for self interlock blocks fabrications.
+ 07 self interlock geopolymer concrete blocks with high compressive strength in 44.7 MPa.


This study should be continued to develop fabrication of other thermal power plants’ fly ash and metallurgy plants’ slag based geopolymer concretes.

Images of project
1655280949262-41. ltminh.png