Project's information

Project's title Study on the roles of sedimentary environment for intertidal ecosystem of Red River Delta
Project’s code VAST05.03/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Marine Environment and Resources
Project leader’s name Bui Van Vuong
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

-    Evaluate the basic characteristics of sedimentary environment in intertial ecosystem of Red River Delta (geomorphology, dynamics and material composition);
-    Clarifying the role of sedimentary environment for intertidal ecosystem of Red River Delta, proposing solutions for protection and restoration.

Main results

Theoretical results:
The project has analyzed and synthesized classification of intertidal zone and intertidal ecosystems.
The project has identified the role of the sedimentary environment for the intertidal ecosystems in intertidal zone of Red River Delta, including:
-    Sedimentary environment plays an important role for distributions of intertidal ecosystems in intertidal zone of Red River Delta.
-    Sedimentary environment plays an important role in the ecological succession of intertidal ecosystems of Red River Delta.
Applied results:
Based on results of project for proposing restoration and development of intertidal ecosystems in Red River Delta.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

The project determined how to divide intertidal zone and intertital ecosystem;
The project identified the role of sedimentary environment for the intertital ecosystem of Red River Delta.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
Nguyen Dac Ve, Daidu Fan, Bui Van Vuong, Tran Dinh Lan, 2021. Sediment budget and morphological change in the Red River Delta under increasing hunman interferences. Marine Geology 431 (2021) 1063379.

Images of project