Project's information

Project's title Influence of plasmonic nanocomposites anisotropy on electro-dynamic coupling, near field effects and the spectral-kinetic characteristics of hybrid nanostructures.
Project’s code QTBY02.03/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Physics
Coordinating unit, co-chair National Academy of Science Belarus
Project leader’s name Dr. Phung Viet Tiep
Project duration 01/04/2019 - 30/06/2021
Project’s budget 200 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Determined the effect of anisotropy in plasmonic nanocomposite hybrid nanostructure on electrodynamic bonding, near field effect and spectral kinetic properties.
- Training of high qualified researchers and enhance international cooperation and of Institute of Physics, VAST.

Main results

In this project, use femtosecond absorption spectroscopy, the kinetics of non-stationary absorption spectroscopy for hybrid (Ag - CuPc)6Ag nanostructures based on silver and copper phthalocyanin multilayer films reflected the mutual interaction of plasmonics and organic subsystems on their electronic state characteristics. The presence of silver nanoparticles in the hybrid structure (Ag - CuPc)6Ag, which shows strong local field interactions near their surface, affects the probability of intersystem conversion in the organic subsystem, accel¬erating the transition of CuPc molecules to a long-lived triplet state due to a strong local field near the surface of the plasmon particle. The triplet-triplet absorption spectrum of copper phthalocyanin in the 470–750 nm spectral range were obtained. In the absorption band of the hybrid nanostructure organic subsystem, a complex variation of the induced optical density was observed, related to the superposition of the quenched absorption S1→Sn and the formation of T1→Tn, with a longer lifetime in the tripet state.
It is shown experimentally that the spectral characteristics of Ag-R6G and Ag-RC nanostructures significantly change in comparison with the characteristics of their components with the same design parameters both in the region of the absorption bands of the organic film and in the region of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Absorption band. The presence of plasmon nanoparticles in the hybrid structure leads to a significant increase in the effective absorption of the organic subsystem in the spectral range of 530-650 nm. The results obtained can be useful for applications in nanophotonics and sensors.
In this project, we have developed an excitation laser source capable of simultaneously emitting two wavelengths of high monochromaticity, short pulse, wide wavelength tuning area to meet the applications of laser spectroscopy.
During the two years of the project, we have had specific scientific exchanges between the two sides. The results of this research have contributed greatly to the training of young scientists in the field of quantum photonics and nano-photonics in Vietnam. It also promoted international publications, which is now a matter for the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Moreover, we have successfully synthesized carbon quantum dots by electrochemical method making use of atmospheric pressure micro-plasma interacting with saccharose solution. As a result of this research published on the prestigious scientific journals such as Optics Communication.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
1. Diep Van Nguyen, Marilou Cadatal-Raduban, Duong Van Pham, Tu Xuan Nguyen, Thu Van Vu, Minh Hong Pham, Tunable dual wavelength and narrow linewidth laser using a single solid-state gain medium in a double Littman resonator, Optics Communications, Vol. 496, 2021, pp. 127131.
2. Katsiaryna A. Barbarchyk, Oleg V. Buganov, Anatoly D. Zamkovets, Sergei A. Tikhomirov, Phung Viet Tiep, Pham Hong Minh, Spectral-kinetic properties of transient absorption of hybrid silver–copper phthalocyanine nanostructures, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Рhysics and Mathematics series, 2020, vol. 56, no. 4, рр. 470–479. ISSN 1561-2430
3. S. A. Tikhomirov, K. A. Barbarchyk, A. D. Zamkovets, A. N. Ponyavina, Phung Viet Tiep, Pham Hong Minh, Spectral properties of hybrid plasmon nanostructures Ag-R6G and Ag-RC, Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications XI, 2021, pp. 508-512. ISBN:
4. Phung Viet Tiep, Pham Hong Minh, Buganov O. A., Nguyen Van Phu, Thomas Pino, Stephane Douin, Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the 4NH2 isotopomer radical, Advances in Applied and Engineering Physics – CAEP VI, 2020, pp. 251-256. ISBN: 978-604-9985-13-3.
- Education: 01 PhD Student graduated.

Images of project
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