Project's information

Project's title Development of DNACAN products to support the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer
Project’s code UDSPTM-02/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Biotechnology
Project leader’s name Associate Professor. Ph.D. Le Quang Huan
Project duration 31/01/2019 - 30/06/2021
Project’s budget 700 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

General objective: To research and create products targeting cancer stem cells by gene technology applied in cancer prevention and treatment.
Specific objectives: To improve the process and production of DNACAN using recombinant DNA carriers to support the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer at the scale of 500 products/batch (20 mg of recombinant DNA).

Main results

-    Theorerical results:
The results of the Project basically achieved the products registered in the Notes in both quantity and quality. The created product is easily absorbed by the body, the process of creating products is environmentally friendly because it does not use organic solvents and harmful chemicals. The results of pharmacological trials open up new hope for cancer patients, especially liver cancer, with competitive prices. The creation of products after the project opens a new direction in the development of drugs to support the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer in general and liver cancer in particular, which is friendly to the  human body and has few side effects. Specific results of the Project: (1) Completed the DNACAN production process at the Pillot scale and produced 5000 products; (2) The basic criteria of the product has been developed; (3) Published 01 scientific article, registered 01 new patent; (4) Participating in training: Guiding 2 students to win the second national prize;
(5)    The product is recognized as "health food" by the Food Safety Department, the Ministry of Health;
-    Applied results: The product has been commercialized, initially to evaluate the market and effective in supporting the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

The UDSPTM-02/19-20 project is implemented based on the invention granted by the Ministry of Science: “Utilitarian solution patent No. 1462, according to Decision No. 74812/QD-SHTT, issued on November 21, 2016: Distribution Nucleic acid molecules deliver targeted drugs to treat cancer”. The project has built a method to amplify DNA using RPA (Recombinase polymerase amplification, RPA) technology, which is a gene amplification technology that does not require a thermoforming device and can be performed at Pilot scale  to ensure sufficient amount of DNA, one of the main raw materials of DNACAN products.

Products of the project

-    Published articles (list):
1.    Synthetic Construct Clone DNACAN Sequence, Gene Bank, MK825545.1
2.    Chu Thi Huyen Trang et al., Research on creating Nano DNA-Chitosan complexes targeting cancer cells and using them. Vietnam Medical Journal, Volume 42, Special Issue, 2019; pages 1576-163.
-    Patents, utility solutions (listed): Inventions: Recombinant DNA eliminates cancer stem cells, preparations containing this recombinant DNA and manufacturing methods of the products.
-    Specific products (product description, storage): DNACAN solution is packaged in a bag/or glass tube, with a defined proportion of Chitosan, DNA and ginger extract (5 mL total including 5 mL of ginger extract). 0.2 mL DNA content 4 mg/mL, 1 mL chitosan, 1 mL Ginger extract, purified water enough 5 mL).

Research area

Vinh Gia Pharmaceutical Company


Continue to study to evaluate the inhibitory ability for liver cancer to develop into liver cancer products after clinical trials.  Transferring  Technology to SPM Joint Stock Company  to further evaluate the effectiveness, commercialize the product and have a  clinical  assessment direction to develop into a new drug.

Images of project
1640678683684-178. lqhuan.png