Project's information

Project's title Integrated model of electronic library and Central Highlands electronic atlas for science and technology database administration and communication
Project’s code TN18/C05
Research hosting institution other Office of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Project leader’s name Dr. Nguyen Dinh Ky
Project duration 01/07/2018 - 31/05/2021
Project’s budget 35,800 million VND
Classify Pass
Goal and objectives of the project

- To transfer the database of integrated model of electronic library with Central Highlands electronic Atlas to the region research institutes and universities for improving their capacity in scientific research and training local human resources.
- To install the database into Information system of the provincial Departments, Agencies and Sectors of Taynguyen region for natural resources and socio-economic management.
- To build a model of communication network system for 5 provinces, 2 universities and 2 institute libraries, and apply information technology to integrate data into electronic devices.
- To update the database of the Central Highlands program with the new information of the period 2016-2020 and improve the electronic Atlas in the system network for management and communication of science and technology results.
- To train and improve professional quality and develop the database experts in manipulating electronic libraries and Central Highlands Electronic Atlas.

Main results

- Scientific results:
+ The project has determined the scientific basis, process and necessary technology to build an integrated model of the electronic Library and Central Highlands Electronic Atlas. The software to upgrade Atlas and Library is successfully build for mobile devices.
+ The some models are etablished (1): The network model connected 5 provinces in the Central Highlands with the Server Station located on the  Institute of Geography; (2): Model of database management system in the form of an electronic library connecting the Central Highlands Atlas to the electronic portals of the provinces; (3): Model upgrading and updating the  Atlas database and the electronic Atlas version on smart devices.
+ The Atlas of Central Highlands and surrounding areas is compiled and printed on A2 size, with 88 pages, including 150 pages of maps and 38 pages of explanations, symbols, table of contents, cover page, publication information...
+ Edited guide for updating, using, exploiting as well as copyright regulations on databases, libraries and electronic Atlas.
+ Trainned 4 Masters students and published 7 scientific articles.
- Applied results:
+ The project has successfully transferred the GIS database model and electronic library to 10 units, including: 5 Departments of Science and Technology of Central Highlands provinces, the Tay Nguyen University, the Da Lat University, the Tay Nguyen Institute of Science and Technology, the Tay Nguyen Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Geography VAST. The project has trained the staff members of 10 units on installing, using and updating the Central Highlands database and e-library software.
+ The project products as Electronic Library, Electronic Atlas of the Central Highlands and printed Atlas in A2 format contribute to providing a database for the socio-economic development planning for the next five years of the Central Highlands region and the provinces. At the same time, they actively contribute to the training of human resources for science development and territory management.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

+ For the first time, the e-library was built for the whole Central Highlands and each province, transferring the results of 02 Central Highlands programs to serve the socio-economic development strategy of the Party and the Government.
+ An application software on mobile devices of the Integrated Model of Central Highlands Electronic Library and Electronic Atlas will make public easier to access and use the results of the project.
+ Electronic library and electronic Atlas bring new interdisciplinary knowledge about the Central Highlands, contributing to "digital Vietnamese knowledge" and serving the sustainable development of this region in particular and the whole country in general. In fact, these are the useful scientific products for researchers and managers in decision making.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list): 07 articles (03 articles in domestic scientific conferences; 04 in national journals).
- Specific products (product description, storage location):
+ Project General report; Summary report; Recommendation Report; 03 Report on evaluation of the Model; Guide on updating, using, exploiting Atlas Database and regulating copyright; The printed Atlas of the Central Highlands in A2 size archived at the VAST and in the Central Highlands Program Office 2016-2020. All reports are archived at the Center for Information and Documentation - VAST and the National Department of Science and Technology Information - Ministry of Science and Technology.
+ The Articles and Training results are archived at the Central Highlands Office 2016 -2020 program.

Research region

Five of Departments of Science and Technology of Central Highlands provinces, Tay Nguyen University, Da Lat University, Tay Nguyen Institute of Science and Technology, Tay Nguyen Institute of Social Sciences and Institute of Geography VAST.

Images of project
1640140926134-175. ndky.jpg