Project's information

Project's title Floristic speciality of Northwestern Vietnam: implications from plant diversity, taxonomy and ecology
Project’s code QTRU01.09/19-20
Research hosting institution Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources
Coordinating unit, co-chair Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Project leader’s name Dr. Bui Hong Quang
Project duration 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 200 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

In the first phase, the project has the following objectives:
•    Assessments of plant diversity (vascular high grade); in the two provinces of Lao Cai and Lai Chau; discovering new species or new record for the flora of Vietnam.
•    Initially learn some laws of plant diversity related to altitude and climate
•    Enhance research, training and scientific cooperation capacity for both parties involved in the mission.
b) Content:
•    Assessments of plant diversity (vascular high grade); in the two provinces of Lao Cai and Lai Chau; discovering new species or new record for the flora of Vietnam.
•    Together with members of the Russian mission to conduct field surveys and collect specimens in the provinces of Lao Cai and Lai Chau  to Vietnamese flora
•    Together with members of the Russian Mission, to initially explore the relationship between plant diversity related to altitude and climate
•    Enhance research, training and scientific cooperation capacity for both parties involved in the mission.

Main results

- Initial understanding of the relationship between plant diversity related to altitude and climate in the Hoang Lien Son range of Lao Cai province, the Phan Xi Pang peak area and Lai Chau in the Tam Duong area, Lai Chau province. - Mountain branch of Hoang Lien Son range
- Collected 300 specimens of 120 species, contributing to additional specimens for research and training in our country and  list of collected species
- New record for the flora of Vietnam, two new genera and 16 new recorded species for the flora of Vietnam.
- Published 06 scientific papers 03 in SCI-E journal list and 02 Publication of international journals not on the ISI list
- Supported training for 01 Master.
-  There are 4 species mentioned in the Vietnam Red Book (2007). Inside:
+ 3 endangered species (EN) such as: Cupressaceae Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A.Henry & H.Thomas; Fagaceae Fagus longipetiolata Seemen; Rhoipteleaceae Rhoiptelea chiliantha Diels & Hand.-Mazz.
+ 1 species in Near-Endangered (VU) level such as Lauraceae (Lauraceae) Actinodaphne ellipticibacca Kosterm.
* Endangered, precious and rare species according to Decree No. 06/2019 / ND-CP
In the list of Decree No. 06/2019 / ND-CP of the Government year, 3 mentioned species have been identified. Inside:
+ Section IIA: Restricting exploitation and use for commercial purposes, there are 3 species in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) such as: Amitostigma keiskeoides (Gagnep.) Garay & Kittr.; Galeola nudifolia Lour.; Uncifera acuminata Lindl.
* Rare and precious species according to IUCN criteria (2017).
According to the IUCN list (2017), there are 32 species, of which the VU level has 4 species such as: Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A.Henry & H.Thomas; Fagus longipetiolata Seemen; Actinodaphne ellipticibacca Kosterm.; Rhoiptelea chiliantha Diels & Hand.-Mazz. The LR / lc level has 27 species such as: Lycopodium clavatum L.; Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don; Burmannia disticha L.; Cornus hongkongensis Hemsl.... and one LR / nt species is Acer erythranthum Gagnep.
- New record for the flora of Vietnam, two new recorded genera Leycesteria formosa Wall., L. gracilis (Kurz) Airy Shaw, and Deutzia glomeruliflora Franchet and 17 new recorded species for the flora of Vietnam. Aleuritopteris chrysophylla (Hook.) Ching, Strobilanthes helicta T.Anderson, Actinidia melliana Hand.-Mazz., Ilex fragilis Hook.f., Melanoseris leiolepis (C. Shih) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang, Begonia yuii Irmsch., Henckelia longisepala (H.W.Li) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller, Callicarpa giraldii Hesse ex Rehder, Scutellaria macrosiphon C.Y.Wu, Utricularia spinomarginata Suksathan & J.Parn., Tolypanthus maclurei (Merrill) Danser, Lysimachia septemfida Z.H.Wang & E.D. Liu, Spiradiclis hainanensis H.S. Lo, Symplocos glandulifera Brand, Clerodendrum peii Moldenke, Allium wallichii Kunth..
- Published 06 scientific papers 03 in SCI-E journal list and  03 Publication of international journals not on the ISI list
- Collected 300 specimens of 120 species, contributing to additional specimens for research and training in our country.
- Supported training for 01 Master.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Initial understanding of the relationship between plant diversity related to altitude and climate in the Hoang Lien Son range of Lao Cai province, the Phan Xi Pang peak area and Lai Chau in the Tam Duong area, Lai Chau province. - Mountain branch of Hoang Lien Son range
- New record for the flora of Vietnam, one new recorded genera Deutzia glomeruliflora Franchet and 17 new recorded species for the flora of Vietnam. Aleuritopteris chrysophylla (Hook.) Ching, Strobilanthes helicta T.Anderson, Actinidia melliana Hand.-Mazz., Ilex fragilis Hook.f., Melanoseris leiolepis (C. Shih) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang, Begonia yuii Irmsch., Henckelia longisepala (H.W.Li) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller, Callicarpa giraldii Hesse ex Rehder, Scutellaria macrosiphon C.Y.Wu, Utricularia spinomarginata Suksathan & J.Parn., Tolypanthus maclurei (Merrill) Danser, Lysimachia septemfida Z.H.Wang & E.D. Liu, Spiradiclis hainanensis H.S. Lo, Symplocos glandulifera Brand, Clerodendrum peii Moldenke, Allium wallichii Kunth.

Products of the project

Publications: 03 papers (in SCI-E journal list).
- Le Ngoc Han, Tran The Bach, Bui Hong Quang, Do Van Hai, Bui Thu Ha, Leonid V. Averyanov & Maxim S. Nuraliev, 2019. Taxonomic notes on Tolypanthus and Taxillus (Loranthaceae) in Vietnam, including lectotypifications and new national records. Phytotaxa 424 (3): 167–176.
-  Maxim S. Nuraliev, Bui Hong Quang, Tran The Bach, Andrey N. Kuznetsov & Svetlana P. Kuznetsova, 2020.  Deutzia glomeruliflora, a new generic record for Vietnam, with its lectotypification and a revised key to Vietnamese Hydrangeaceae.
Phytotaxa 458 (1): 108–114.
- Bui Hong Quang, Tran The Bach, Sangmi Eum, Do Van Hai, Nguyen Sinh Khang, Le Ngoc Han, Tran Duc Binh, Nguyen Thu Thuy, Vu Anh Thuong, Ngo Kien Trung, Ya-Ping Chen, Peter W. Fritsch, Chi-Ming Hu, Lu Thi Ngan, John A. N. Parnell, Alexander N. Sennikov, John R. I. Wood, Yi Yang, Andrey N. Kuznetsov, Svetlana P. Kuznetsova & Maxim S. Nuraliev, 2020. Towards a floristic inventory of Bat Xat Nature Reserve, Vietnam: Thirteen new national records of vascular plants. Wulfenia 27 (2020): 1–18.
Publications: 02 papers (in international journal).
- Joongku Lee, Nguyen Sinh Khang, Ritesh Kumar Choudhary, Bui Hong Quang,  2019. Two new records of Spiradiclis (Rubiaceae) from Vietnam.  Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 46(3) 645-651.
- Bui H.Q., Nuraliev M.S.,, Möller M., Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsova S.P., Middleton D.J. & F. Wen,  2020. Henckelia longisepala (Gesneriaceae), a new record for Vietnam. Rheedea Vol. 30(1): (2020) 49-58.
- A total of 120 samples (300 specimens keep in HN) have been collected in 2 provinces (Lao Cai and Lai Chau) in the Northwest of our country, including 120 species of 102 genera and 62 families of plants. Of the 120 plant samples collected, there are 35 vascular plant species that need to be preserved according to the evaluation criteria of the Vietnam Red Book (2007), Decree No. 06/2019 / ND-CP of the Government. (2019), IUCN red list (2017) .

Research area

From the results of the thesis is a scientific basis for the Northwest provinces to use to develop plans, conservation planning, promote and rational use of biological resources for economic development- society in general and tourism development in particular. Research results and scientific proposals have contributed to providing data on biodiversity and biodiversity protection and sustainable use of biological resources.


The ecosystem and composition of vascular flora species in the Hoang Lien Son range are very biodiversity and plentiful, but the research on taxonomy is not focused, so it is recommended to continue to research about ecology and taxonomy in neighboring areas to have a complete overview of ecosystem diversity and plant species composition, contribute to building database for conservation research and use them in the future.

Images of project
1639989053605-174. bhquang.png