Project's information

Project's title Collecting Paleontological Specimens in Vietnam
Project’s code BSTMV.28/15-18
Research hosting institution Vietnam National Museum of Nature
Project leader’s name PhD. Doan Dinh Hung
Project duration 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 15,000 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Building national specimens collection on Vietnam's nature for display and research to reponse the standards of Vietnam National Museum of Nature. Improve the research capacity of VNMN and understanding of nature of the community.
- Processing 1250 paleontological and lithological thin slices, 650 silicate analysis results, 180 results for paleomicrobiological analysis, 120 results of pollen spore analysis and 350 results of scanning electron microscopy analysis as the basis for the study and identifica tion of the sample. Added 2200 data sheets to the Museum's sample database.

Main results

-    Specimen and sample collections: Adding 5364 fossil sample/specimen to Paleontological Specimens in Vietnam, contributing to the diversification of exhibits for geological and paleontological arrays in particular and the museum in general.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Diverse and qualified specimen collection for display with fossils representing the strata from Cambrian to Quaternary in the territory of Vietnam.

Products of the project

- Collected samples/specimens for exhibition in comparison with the plan approved in 2020: 1279 sample
- Collected samples/specimens for scientific research in comparison with the plan approved in 2020: 4085 sample
- Publications: 9 articles in international journal, 1 articles in domestic journal, 02 articles in conferences.
- Other products (if applicable): book: CATALOGUE OF THE FOSSILS HELD IN THE VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURE” - Volume 1 “Stratigraphy and fossils of the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian periods”

Research area Vietnam National Museum of Nature
Images of project
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