Project's information
Project's title | Assess the importance of the protected area network for conservation of the local animal biodiversity in the plain and mountain regions (example Belarus and Viet Nam) |
Project’s code | QTBY01.01/18-19 |
Research hosting institution | Vietnam National Museum of Nature |
Coordinating unit, co-chair | Scientific-practical center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for biological resources |
Project leader’s name | Assoc.Prof.Dr.Pham Hong Thai |
Project duration | 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019 |
Project’s budget | 200 million VND |
Classify | Excellent |
Goal and objectives of the project | The main objective of the mission: |
Main results | - Results of the research institute have provided data on component diversity of duplicated research groups. |
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results | - An assessment of the effectiveness of the conservation of rare and protected species in the Protected Areas of Belarus and North Vietnam has been carried out. The current status of protected area networks in the Republic of Belarus and Vietnam has been analyzed. For further study, endemic animals living in the territory of Vietnam and rare species protected in the Red Book of both countries have been selected. An analysis of their distribution and the status of their populations in the protected areas of the two countries was carried out. |
Products of the project | Publications:
Products (description...): 100 specimens of needle socket, 500 specimens stored in cotton pad and 50 specimens stored in solution stored in specimen preservation room of Vietnam National Museum of Nature |
Images of project | |