Project's information

Project's title Scientific research about taxonomy and assessment of biological organisisms
Project’s code BSTMV.05/14-16
Research hosting institution Vietnam National Museum of Nature
Project leader’s name Dr. Nguyen Quoc Binh
Project duration 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2020
Project’s budget 4,000 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Objectives: Getting the process and database in order to assess and classify the organisms using in Vietnam National Museum of Nature system.
Goal: Building the scientific authority of assessment and classification using in Vietnam National Museum of Nature system

Main results

Specimen and sample collections: 578 specimens

Products of the project

- Collected samples/specimens for exhibition in comparison with the plan approved in 2020: 500 samples/specimens
- Collected samples/specimens for scientific research in comparison with the plan approved in 2020
- Publications: 04 articles in National Conferences
- Patents (if applicable):
- Product details (concise description of each collection): 578 samples/specimens include Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, Mollusk, Plants, and Fungi; with the Book series: Handbook of some important vertebrates species (2 volumes: Animals-Birds and Amphibians-Reptiles-Fishes), Handbook of some important invertebrates species (2 volumes: Aquatic invertebrate and Terrestrial invertebrates); Handbook of some important plants species (2 volumes: Lycopodiopsida-Polydiopsida-Pinophyta and Magnoliopphyta)
The samples/specimens stored at: Vietnam National Museum of Nature

Research area Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Universities, and National Park in Vietnam
Images of project
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