Project's information

Project's title Research in manufacturing the electrical generators of 220 VAC, 50 Hz, 2 kW using the vertical axis wind turbine to serve the needs of utilizing the renewable energy in Viet Nam.
Project’s code VAST.CTVL.04/17-18
Research hosting institution Institute of Materials Science
Project leader’s name Dr. Nguyen Xuan Truong
Project duration 01/04/2017 - 30/04/2020
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

Designing, manufacturing and operating a Vertical Axis Wind Generator (VAWG) as a source of electrical energy of 220VAC, 50 Hz, 2kW used in households and contributed in utilizing a wind energy across the country to improve the social life. This product contributes also in implementing the basic research oriented for applications in the field of energy storage and conversion of the Program of Physics Development until 2020.

Main results

-    Scientific contents: The project has addressed the following scientific contents to create an optimal design of the wind turbine. These scientific contents have been presented and asked for protection in the patent registration done on March 9, 2020, accepted on April 20, 2020, titled “Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with blades constructed according to the principle of mixed operation”:
a)    Designing and manufacturing turbines having blades owning the form of a combination of the two types of Darrieus and Savonius blades currently used in VAWT. This combination utilizes the wind-catching capacity of Savonius blades (using the  cambered wings to catch the incoming wind to rotate the turbine) and the ability to lift the blades itself after they are rotated using the lift force generated by the incoming wind impacting on the Darrieus blades with plane wing profile for cross section. This combination is a scientific basis for the turbine to be easy to start even at the low speed as 2 - 3m/s of incoming winds typical for the  wind speed distribution in the most areas of Vietnamese, and also easy to be accelerated after being started because of the lifting force reducings the friction of turbine shaft.
b)    Optimizing the parameter of solidity of turbine on the basis of keeping the relation between the areas of catching and passing airflows to warrantee their steady state. It is the scientific basis for choosing the blade length L compared to the turbine diameter D once D has been chosen according to the nessesary amount of energy hidden in the incoming airflow.
c)    The scientific feature of the designed and manufactured turbine is also expressed in the selection of the turbine shape of truncated pyramid as a result of the CDF simulation. This shape helps turning a conventional turbine into a levitated one using the difference of the lift force impacting on the lower and upper parts along the blade height.
d)    All the other parameters of the designed turbine were offered, for example, except the details said above, the decision of making blade being twisted, of choosing the titled angle of blades, based on the CFD simulation results.
e)    To decrease the rotation friction of the shaft, the blade weight was significantly  reduced once they are manufactured by using the composite material while the durability is ensured under natural operating conditions.
-    Applied results: The project combines the new-class turbine with the synchronous generator and the compact electronic system to create an usefull wind power equipment that can be used in practice. The equipment applicability is featured also by using a generator equipped with the NdFeB permanent magnets in configuration with a large rotation speed to increase the variance in a unit of time of the magnetic field to create a large three-phase alternating voltage at the generator output. A simple DC-DC converter for stabilizing the DC voltage of 24 – 30 V appeared at the converter output that sufficiently charges the battery system to store energy which is transformed into the alternating voltage of 220V, 50Hz, 2 kW power using commercially available DC-AC converters. The electronic system is neatly designed and installed in the cabinet with all the indicators necessary to follow all activities of the device.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

The project has contributed in designing the new class of blades combining the features of Darrieus and Savonius types and the turbine consisting of 7 said blades. The project has designed and susessfully operated the VAWT suitable in working under  low speed airflows of many territories of Vietnam. This new design allows: i) the turbine is easy to start under low-speed airflows of 2 – 3 m/s velocities; ii) the turibne can easily be accelerated in the rotation speed due to the positive influence of the lift force acted on the turbine; iii) the turbine is able to increase the energy hidden in the incomming wind due to the twisting effect of the blades, and iv) therefor the WAWT reaches the designed capacity of 2 kW with the 12 m/s incoming airflows with the turbine design suitable for small instalation spaces. The appearance of this compact turbine, together with the current compact and inexpensive commercial electronic parts, will ensure the low cost of a sufficient power source for the operation of household electrical appliances.

Products of the project

- Published papers:
Nguyễn Xuân Trường, Nguyễn Trung Hiếu, Nguyễn Văn Vượng, Khí động học của Turbine điện gió kiểu đứng công suất 2 kW, Hội nghị Vật lý Chất rắn và Khoa học Vật liệu Toàn quốc – SPMS 2017, pp. 629 – 633.
- Patents:
01 Patent registration “The Vertical Axis Wind Turbine having blades desifned by the combined activities principle”
- Technological products;
   01 Vertical Axis Wind Generator as a source of 220 VAC, 50 Hz, 2kW placed in the Institute of Materials Science
- Other products: The Turbine design decuments.


Research area Institute of Materials Science

To be supported in using this vertical axis wind generator to supply the electrical source functioned in waste incinerators to create a new type of incinerators of using the sustainable energy to limit the air pollution.