Project's information

Project's title Complete the document management system - operating and OMS to serve the registration and management of topics in priority science and technology directions.
Project’s code ...
Research hosting institution Center for Informatics and Computing
Project leader’s name Assoc. Ph.D Pham Hong Quang
Project duration 01/06/2019 - 30/06/2020
Project’s budget 600 million VND
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Goal and objectives of the project

a) Document management system - operator
-    Meet the new Government requirements for document linkages and
e-Government platform development at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
-    Meet the new requirements of the circular providing for the process of exchanging, storing and processing electronic documents in clerical work, the basic functions of the electronic document management system in the processing work of agencies and organizations.

     Regulate the making and handover of electronic records from documents formed in the process of processing work in the word management software and operating at the Academy and the affiliated units of the Institute to meet the requirements according to state regulations and practice at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

b) OMS system
    Consolidate regulations on management of subjects in priority science and technology directions at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and Regulations for management of independent science and technology topics for faculty staff Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology youth students meet the requirements of computerization in scientific management.

     Complete registration software for topics of priority science and technology at VAST level, meeting the following requirements:
-    Scientists can register for topic proposals, submit online application documents under the new regulations Decision No. 1548/QĐ-VHL issued on august 28, 2018 of the President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, promulgating the regulations on the management of subjects in priority science and technology directions at VAST level.
-    The functional departments of the Academy (Department of Planning - Finance, Department of Cooperation - International, Department of Technology Deployment) can process online information in their operations according to the new regulations.

Main results

a)    Document management system - operated after being upgraded:
-    The storage system is integrated with the document management and administration system.
-    Completing the function of receiving incoming electronic documents: All documents to agencies and organizations must be registered in the System. The Academy's library office checks the authenticity of the origin of the sender and the integrity of the document
    + Register, digitize incoming documents:
    When receiving text coming from the interconnected axis, the clerical department fully updated the information:
o    Text type name
o    Number of documents
o    Symbols of the text
o    Date, month, year of the text
o    Name of agency or organization issuing the document
o    Extract content
o    Ngôn ngữ
o    The number of pages of the document
o    Note
o    Date of arrival
o    Number arrived
o    Position, full name of the signer
o    The position of the person who signed the document
o    Full name of the person who signed the document
o    Urgent level
o    The arrival number and the arrival time are stored in the System.
o    Digital text comes from paper text.
    + Submitting and transferring documents to the System:
     The Library of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology submits to the leaders of the Institute, the Institute's leaders for opinions of distribution, direction and resolution of incoming documents. Then the system will update the following information:
o    Unit or recipient
o    Comments on distribution, direction, word processing status
o    Settlement term
+ Implementation and resolution of incoming documents:
o    Profiling, packing records
o    The text resolution task is responsible for determining the number and notation of the record for the incoming text. The system updates the following information: Number and symbol of the record
o    Digital signing function
o    Electronic document management functions: Create electronic records, create code profiles, connect electronic documents and information processing to the record.
o    Dossier assignment and execution functions: Assigning tasks, handling assigned work.
o    Function to close text records, digitally sign archives
o    Function sharing the right to access word processing information, records
o    Profiling and packaging functions
b)    OMS system
     The OMS system has been developed and integrated into the operating document management system to meet the Decision 2385 / QD-VHL on the management regulations on priority science and technology, scientific topics. Independent technology and learning for young scientists at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology with the following functions:
-    Manage Scientific Records: Declare and manage personal science calendar online.
-    Expert Database: Manage the personal and scientific information of experts
-    Sign up for new topics: Manage project topics
-    Thread execution status: Display, update information and report for the current topic
-    Submit topic report: Manage submit topic report
Display, update information and comments for board members
-    For specific functions on OMS system
-    Personal information

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

a) Document management system - operating after being upgraded
After the upgrade, the System has fully met the regulations on document preparation and handover of electronic documents formed from the process of processing work in the Document Management System and operating by decision. Decision 2684 / VHL-VP.
- Helping individuals with the task of profiling easily to collect electronic documents into the same set of documents, without having to do with paper
- Leaders approve records through "Status of records" to avoid omissions.
- The system is deployed so that users using the Vastoffice system can perform profiling during the job processing process. Different from old storage systems, it must be installed on each machine.
- Update identifiers of units in Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
- In connection with the national archive, the records will be stored in the national archive.
b) OMS system
    The OMS system has been developed and integrated into the operating document management system to meet the Decision 2385 / QD-VHL on the management regulations on the priority science and technology directions, scientific topics. Independent technology and learning for young scientists at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- After the completion of the OMS system, more than 500 scientific researchers have registered for an account using the OMS system.
- Helping 99 science topic owners to register for their topic online. The registered topics are shown in accordance with the regulations of the Academy.
- Meet the compatibility and connect with VAST Office to easily transfer the arising administrative procedures of the topic to the OMS after being handled at VAST Office.
- Set up a scientific council on the Vastoffice system, helping the council members directly view the topics in the directions assigned to them.
- Expert of the Planning and Finance Board set up a meeting of the scientific council directly on Vastoffice to invite the council members to join the meeting.
- Council members download comment forms by themselves, make comments, sign digitally and post directly to the Vastoffice system, give comments on topics under the direction they are assigned directly on their profile. , to confirm whether or not to participate in the lesson on Vastoffice system.
- The subject manager puts the edited files according to the council's opinion into his profile directly on the Vastoffice system.